I generally don’t like seeing reality shows where contestants are totally dependent on votes sent by general public. Lot of regionalism and partial judgments comes in to play in these shows and most of the times talented participants are voted out. But recently I have started watching one dance reality show called Dance India Dance in Zee TV. The three judges are Terrence Lewis, Geeta Kapoor and Remo D'Souza. There is a super judge or the grandmaster. It’s Mithun Chakraborty. And he is really the star of the show. The participants are top class dancers. I especially like Salman. I think he has enough talent to give competition to Hritik Roshan. I do not know how Zee TV gets these talented guys. It’s really good to see these guys dancing. It’s so elegant, innovative and energetic. Today Salman was dancing wearing a single skater. I have never seen such thing in my life. What a control!
But the best thing of the show is the presence of Mithunda. He is the ultimate star for me. The real disco dancer. Why do I love and respect him so much? It’s not because I am a Bengali but because I am a very common guy. Just like thousands of others. And for us Mithunda rocks. He is the star of the masses. He never had the backing, never had the pedigree, never had those connections. Still he made it. I think this guy is a living epitome of hard work and dedication. And he commands respect wherever he goes. To me he is much taller figure than Amitabh Bachhan. A true hero.
In today’s Dance India Dance show, Mithunda shared the story behind Agnipath’s Krishnan Iyer MA. Mithun during his struggling days used to stay in a one room municipal flat in Bombay for class D staff. Now Mithun used to pay Rs 75 and sleep on the ground. His friend who was a South Indian used to pay Rs 150 and sleep on the bed. He was rich than Mithun at that point of time. One night a rat entered the flat and bit Mithun. He was bleeding profusely. Somehow he stopped the blood flow and managed to fall asleep. In the morning when his friend was gone he slept at his bed. Unfortunately the guy came back from office early and was furious to see Mithunda sleeping on his bed. His bed for which he pays Rs 150 per month! He shouted at Mithun “Kya re. Tu 75 deke mere 150 Rs bed mein soyega! Tere himmat kaise hua re! Mein lungi utha ke tera wo haal karega re ki tu…”. The dialogue was obviously in pure South Indian tone. This incident gave idea to Mithunda to create the comical coconut seller, Krishnan Iyer MA in Agneepath.
Agneepath remains one of my all time favorite movie. Whenever I see Mithunda, the fighter, the born to win figure in TV, I remember the starting lines of Agneepath. It’s the poem by Amitabh’s father, Harivanshji.
’Vruksh ho bade bhale..ho ghane ho bhale..Ek Patra chhah bhi mang mat, mang mat, mang mat..Agnipath, Agnipath Agnipath; Tu na thamega kabhi tu na mudega kabhi tu na rukega kabhi, Kar shapath, Kar shapath, Kar shapath, Agnipath, Agnipath, Agnipath. Ye Mahan Drushya hain, Chal raha Manushya hain, Ashru, Sweth, Rakta se Latpat Latpat Latpat..Agnipath, Agnipath, Agnipath’
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Poll Results and Myself!
Finally the results are out! No one expected the Congress to win by such a huge margin. Good for them and hopefully good for the country. I have no political leanings so my emotions are under control. May be if given a chance to vote I would have given my vote to congress. But if given a chance! I am not sure when that chance will come. I have a Bengal voter ID and I am based in New Delhi. So it is not possible to go to Bengal to cast my vote and comeback to Delhi. The stock market has given a big salute to the new UPA government by rising over 2000 points in a span of 13 minutes. Two times it reached the circuit breaker that trading was halted for the day! Good going! Hope this Bull Run lasts. But as the saying goes whatever goes up comes down. Overall I am happy with this new government. Hope they tackle terrorism in a strong way and reduce income taxes. My salary has already decreased (I am in IT sector) and my sincere request to Manmohanji to please consider our case and reduce income tax levels for poor souls like us.
The results in Bengal have made me very excited. The Marxists have lost. And the best part, my hometown CPM MP Mr Lakhsman Seth has lost by a huge margin. I am happy to see this man go. Mr Seth never supported dedicated party workers and CPM loyalists. Opportunists were always given a chance. And I have never received anything in the 20 years that I have spent in his constituency. I have got my education in a private school, got in college and university by pure merit. I tried to get a job in Haldia but I lost out to candidates sent by party cadres. Merit took a backseat. Talent was a foreign word. The colour Red mattered. And I didn’t wear any Red shirt. Same happened to my friends. They also failed to wear Red shirts. But God’s grace was with us. We had the courage to leave Bengal and settle in other places like Delhi, Mumbai, and Hyderabad where opportunities existed for hardworking guys.
Now, Bengal belongs to Mamta. This lady has driven away the Tata group. She seems to be anti-industry. But then I am not sure what will be her policy as she is now in power. Industrialization is the only way to create further jobs. She knows this well. I will be watching her closely. This is her chance to perform. My best wishes for her. I will also be closely following my father in law (a TMC loyalist) and my mother-in-law (a CPM loyalist). Its good have debates and verbal fights but when it goes on 27/7 it becomes irritating. Hope both of them will co-exist peacefully with my wife as the referee. I love both of them too much but not their parties. I just love development. Whoever does it is my beloved! Can i expect a ticket now?
The results in Bengal have made me very excited. The Marxists have lost. And the best part, my hometown CPM MP Mr Lakhsman Seth has lost by a huge margin. I am happy to see this man go. Mr Seth never supported dedicated party workers and CPM loyalists. Opportunists were always given a chance. And I have never received anything in the 20 years that I have spent in his constituency. I have got my education in a private school, got in college and university by pure merit. I tried to get a job in Haldia but I lost out to candidates sent by party cadres. Merit took a backseat. Talent was a foreign word. The colour Red mattered. And I didn’t wear any Red shirt. Same happened to my friends. They also failed to wear Red shirts. But God’s grace was with us. We had the courage to leave Bengal and settle in other places like Delhi, Mumbai, and Hyderabad where opportunities existed for hardworking guys.
Now, Bengal belongs to Mamta. This lady has driven away the Tata group. She seems to be anti-industry. But then I am not sure what will be her policy as she is now in power. Industrialization is the only way to create further jobs. She knows this well. I will be watching her closely. This is her chance to perform. My best wishes for her. I will also be closely following my father in law (a TMC loyalist) and my mother-in-law (a CPM loyalist). Its good have debates and verbal fights but when it goes on 27/7 it becomes irritating. Hope both of them will co-exist peacefully with my wife as the referee. I love both of them too much but not their parties. I just love development. Whoever does it is my beloved! Can i expect a ticket now?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Reading Shantaram

I am taking a big lesson these days. There is a saying do not judge a book by its cover. Well I think I have made the mistake. I have bought the book Shataram few months back and have recently started reading it. It’s a mammoth of 950 pages and I am halfway through. The book sucks. Sometimes plot is good. Sometimes very obvious. Sometimes very verbatim. Sometimes brilliant. Sometimes pathetic. If you ask me this questions “How have you managed to read some 450 pages if you do not like the book?”. My answer will be “Sometimes I like it. Sometimes I don’t”. The worst part of the book is when it takes a plunge into philosophic discourse. It’s pathetic to see that Australian Lin discussing philosophy with his gangster boss. It just doesn’t fit. I think Gregory Roberts wanted to write everything at the same time. He was targeting the Nobel but then toned down to Booker. Once he realized that getting the Award is for literary giants he decided to increase his bank balance. So his book took care of that part. But overall lot of pain and hard work has gone into the book. The imagery used in the book appeals a lot. But when it’s going good something bad pops up. Like the cholera scene in the slum. Cholera has broken out in the slum. Things are pretty bad. People are dying. Pain and death everywhere. Lin was doing his best to help the slum people with his quack medicine skills. Then Karla appears suddenly in the slum. Karla is Lin’s girlfriend. Then the author through Lin starts describing Karla’s physical beauty, her Salwar Kamiz etc. The way the descriptions were flowing, I wouldn’t be surprised if Lin would have told something like Karla had wonderful boobs. Round and firm. Very soft. Very Creamy. Well I think the timing was bad. I did not like it. But these are subjective things. What appeals to me might not appeal to others. I paid for the book so I guess I have right to criticize it. Anyway I will finish the book asap. At the end of the day the Book is an International Best seller. Till then let me keep guessing who put Lin inside the jail!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Mayawati cover your face! You need to save your face from the pigeons!
From now on I do not love pigeons any more. I just hate them. I just want to kill all the pigeons. Slit their throat and give them to the dogs. Please pardon my gory language but I am angry. Why? It’s because of a bloody pigeon.
Today I came back from office a little early. I quickly got fresh and switched on the TV. IPL was going on. Delhi was playing with Deccan Chargers. After having few biscuits and a glass of water I went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. What the hell! A pigeon is sitting on the gas oven. It gave me a very timid look. I stood still and scanned one corner to another. Destruction and dirty shit everywhere. Glasses were broken. Spice containers were rolling on the floor. The spoons were lying on the basin slab. And pigeon shit everywhere. Only the Brisleri bottle was left alone. Ah! At least it understood the importance of water in this sultry summer.
I did not disturb the pigeon but tried to find out how it got in. Oh! There it was. The kitchen window latch was not properly put. The windows opened due to the winds. This Pigeon somehow willingly or accidentally got inside through the window. Now before it could make its exit, wind closed the window panes. And this little devil had no other exit route because all the windows in my flat were shut. So in its desperate attempt to break free it unfortunately created this destructive scene inside my kitchen. I quickly pushed the window panes wide open. Idiot! Instead of flying out of the window the little devil tried to hide behind the crockery shelf. I tried to go near it and push it out using a big spoon. It flew out of the kitchen and went straight into my bedroom. The windows were closed there too. It made a circle and then dashed against the glass panes. Then it sat on top of the curtain rod. I opened the windows and pointed to it but the devil was in no mood to fly away through the window. I guess it was terribly afraid that she might get killed. Do I look like a murderer you fool? I switched on the fan but put it off immediately because I was having serious doubts on this pigeon’s intelligence. It might hurt itself in the fan blades. I shouted at it. No result. I jumped towards the curtain rods with arms stretched out as if I was going to catch it by its throat. No result. It sat still on top and desperately tried to become as large as possible. It was puffing itself big as if it wanted to scare the hell out of me. Ok devil! You wanna frighten me! Hold on! I will flush you out. I got myself the mosquito spray. I will spray this deadly poison on your eyes. But better sense prevailed. I put it down. I don’t want to harm her. After all she also has a family. I don’t want to be a murderer and make someone cry. So I rolled up few news papers like balls and started throwing them at her. And it worked. The pigeon suddenly flew downwards and went away through the window! Mission accomplished!
I went to my kitchen and made my tea. Then I closed the kitchen door. Let it remain as it is till my maid comes. I called up my wife and updated her about the situation. I felt pity on that poor pigeon. Such a foolish creature. It simply had no brains. The kitchen window was not closed. I mean there was no latch in place. A little push and the windows would have opened. But it could not open it as it did not have the necessary physical capacity. At the end of the day it is not a human being with superior intelligence. I gave a smug smile sensing my superior intelligence compared to that pigeon. But then a thought came to me. This pigeon may be weak. It has no high intelligence levels. But it can still go and deposit shit in Mayawati’s face. I mean she is setting up numerous statutes of her own self throughout Uttar Pradesh inside the Dalit parks. Now no human being has the guts to shit on those statues. But this pigeon can easily go and do that. It is a fact that God has created all creatures equal. Certain weaknesses have been compensated by little strength in other areas. Hail to the almighty pigeons! I no longer hate them. After all it has more guts than me! Mayawati cover your face! You need to save your face from the pigeons!
Today I came back from office a little early. I quickly got fresh and switched on the TV. IPL was going on. Delhi was playing with Deccan Chargers. After having few biscuits and a glass of water I went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. What the hell! A pigeon is sitting on the gas oven. It gave me a very timid look. I stood still and scanned one corner to another. Destruction and dirty shit everywhere. Glasses were broken. Spice containers were rolling on the floor. The spoons were lying on the basin slab. And pigeon shit everywhere. Only the Brisleri bottle was left alone. Ah! At least it understood the importance of water in this sultry summer.
I did not disturb the pigeon but tried to find out how it got in. Oh! There it was. The kitchen window latch was not properly put. The windows opened due to the winds. This Pigeon somehow willingly or accidentally got inside through the window. Now before it could make its exit, wind closed the window panes. And this little devil had no other exit route because all the windows in my flat were shut. So in its desperate attempt to break free it unfortunately created this destructive scene inside my kitchen. I quickly pushed the window panes wide open. Idiot! Instead of flying out of the window the little devil tried to hide behind the crockery shelf. I tried to go near it and push it out using a big spoon. It flew out of the kitchen and went straight into my bedroom. The windows were closed there too. It made a circle and then dashed against the glass panes. Then it sat on top of the curtain rod. I opened the windows and pointed to it but the devil was in no mood to fly away through the window. I guess it was terribly afraid that she might get killed. Do I look like a murderer you fool? I switched on the fan but put it off immediately because I was having serious doubts on this pigeon’s intelligence. It might hurt itself in the fan blades. I shouted at it. No result. I jumped towards the curtain rods with arms stretched out as if I was going to catch it by its throat. No result. It sat still on top and desperately tried to become as large as possible. It was puffing itself big as if it wanted to scare the hell out of me. Ok devil! You wanna frighten me! Hold on! I will flush you out. I got myself the mosquito spray. I will spray this deadly poison on your eyes. But better sense prevailed. I put it down. I don’t want to harm her. After all she also has a family. I don’t want to be a murderer and make someone cry. So I rolled up few news papers like balls and started throwing them at her. And it worked. The pigeon suddenly flew downwards and went away through the window! Mission accomplished!
I went to my kitchen and made my tea. Then I closed the kitchen door. Let it remain as it is till my maid comes. I called up my wife and updated her about the situation. I felt pity on that poor pigeon. Such a foolish creature. It simply had no brains. The kitchen window was not closed. I mean there was no latch in place. A little push and the windows would have opened. But it could not open it as it did not have the necessary physical capacity. At the end of the day it is not a human being with superior intelligence. I gave a smug smile sensing my superior intelligence compared to that pigeon. But then a thought came to me. This pigeon may be weak. It has no high intelligence levels. But it can still go and deposit shit in Mayawati’s face. I mean she is setting up numerous statutes of her own self throughout Uttar Pradesh inside the Dalit parks. Now no human being has the guts to shit on those statues. But this pigeon can easily go and do that. It is a fact that God has created all creatures equal. Certain weaknesses have been compensated by little strength in other areas. Hail to the almighty pigeons! I no longer hate them. After all it has more guts than me! Mayawati cover your face! You need to save your face from the pigeons!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Why I cant vote?
Today is voting day in Delhi NCR for the 15th general elections. And it’s a holiday too! Despite having a Voter ID I will not be able to vote. Strange right? Well the ID card is from Went Bengal but as I work in Delhi so voting here is not possible. In India you can only vote from the particular ward from where your voting card has been issued. So if I want to vote I have to go to Bengal on 13th May, 2009 and cast my vote. But then that is not possible as travelling such a huge distance and then coming back seems not feasible. The government needs to do something about people like us. There must be lakhs of people like me who despite wanting to vote cannot vote as they work in a different place. I think postal ballot system should be seriously given a thought. But then chances of corruption also increase. India is a land for corruption and it takes pride in holding top position in the worldwide corruption index.
So bottom-line it’s just another holiday for me where I will be sitting inside home doing nothing meaningful. Today I will drive my car in the afternoon when roads will be empty. I desperately need to practice driving. I am going to Lansdowne in the month end. But unfortunately I will not be able to take my car. Maybe after a few months when I am more confident driving. Till I reach that confidence level, let Indian railways earn some extra money!
With nothing much to do for the whole day I have decided to read Alzazira. I am starting to like their English news website. Interesting news presentation. And women in Kenya will no longer offer sex to males. That is their way of protesting against poor governance in their country. The first lady of Kenya is not participating. I think Indian girls should follow suit. These politicians will fall in line once they are deprived of the juicy pleasure.
So bottom-line it’s just another holiday for me where I will be sitting inside home doing nothing meaningful. Today I will drive my car in the afternoon when roads will be empty. I desperately need to practice driving. I am going to Lansdowne in the month end. But unfortunately I will not be able to take my car. Maybe after a few months when I am more confident driving. Till I reach that confidence level, let Indian railways earn some extra money!
With nothing much to do for the whole day I have decided to read Alzazira. I am starting to like their English news website. Interesting news presentation. And women in Kenya will no longer offer sex to males. That is their way of protesting against poor governance in their country. The first lady of Kenya is not participating. I think Indian girls should follow suit. These politicians will fall in line once they are deprived of the juicy pleasure.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Sunday thoughts!
Sundays are never eventful in my life. Almost all Sundays start with a cup of tea and Times of India. Then I have some breakfast. Once over I pick up some novel randomly and read for a while. And after an hour or so I get bored. I do some net browsing, read a couple of more newspapers online, play some games, do some chatting if I see some friends online and by the time its eleven my wife comes and I have to vacate the PC for her. She plays Scrubbles. She plays this game religiously every Sunday. Ousted from my PC I try to find solace in some unfinished novel but cannot concentrate. I switch on my TV and surf news channels. These days al the channels have only two news: IPL or Vote. Extremely repulsive! Disgusted I try to catch some movie but same old stuffs keep getting repeated. I have seen them all.
Today my Sunday started off in the same fashion. The weather was a little cool today so I decided to read the news paper in the balcony. My balcony been park facing is quite airy. I sipped my tea. Cool wind was blowing and the sky was cloudy. Yesterday Delhi had a maximum temperature of 44 degree centigrade. So this cool air was God’s gift. I earnestly wished for rains. But that was too big a wish to be fulfilled. In the meantime my breakfast arrived. Pasta time. Finishing my breakfast I sat in the balcony again. The society was surprisingly silent today. I guess people are enjoying the cool weather by sleeping a few extra hours. Good for me. I love solitude. I went inside the room and got Shantaram. It’s a really big book of some 950 pages. I am reading it for the past one month. Two gardeners arrived dragging a pipe with them. Every alternate Sunday the park gets watered. I think they should do this every week. A lady in a nearby flat was taking pictures of the park. Her balcony was like 30 meters away from my balcony. I tried to decipher the shooting subjects. Then she went inside and got something. What was that? I gave an intense look. She was slowly moving her hand from one direction to another direction and then she held it straight towards me. Oh it’s a handycam and me reading Shantaram is the subject. I looked down at the book and then casually looked towards her and gave her a mesmerizing smile. I am sure she will be bowled over by my smile. Besides when she will see my bare body I am sure it will serve her in multiple ways. I was wearing nothing else apart from my boxer shorts.
The gardeners have started watering the plants. One of them was holding the green pipe and pressed the pipe nozzle halfway through his fingers. He was spraying water on the trees. It looked good. I could feel the enjoyment of the leaves. They were having their bath. As the water was getting sprayed from one tree to another, the leaves were getting greener and greener. I love green. It’s full of youthful energy. I remember when I was young my dad used to tell me to keep looking at the green paddy fields when we went to our ancestral village once every six months. He believed that by looking at green, your eyes become healthier. Soon it became a habit for me to keep staring at green. Couple of year’s back I got myself in an odd position due to this habit. It was Durga Puja time. I was with my friends when a lady wearing a green sari entered the auditorium. She was with her friends. My eyes got fixed on her. After all it’s green. And then soon I found myself staring at her green breasts. I didn’t realize she was looking at me. All the other girls were also looking at me. Now you see what an embarrassing situation I got into due to my green habit.
But these green leaves are different. The sun was gently getting visible. The leaves sparkled under the sunlight. The dry ground was getting water and that lovely smell was coming. That smell, which comes when it rains after some very hot days. Or the smell of the first monsoon rains. A whistle sound broke the silence of the park. Who the fuck is whistling? I peeped out of the balcony. A society guard with his big lathi was walking towards the gardener. He had an empty bottle in his hand. And he kept whistling. Man you should whistle at night not in this hour of the day. But I guess he was enjoying the whistling. He went to the guy who was watering the plants. With a big smile he told him to fill up the bottle. That guy filled it up. He took the bottle and finished the bottle in a moment. He smiled and told him to fill it up again. The guy obliged. Taking the bottle he walked away. This time he didn’t whistle. He was smiling. I looked here and there to figure out the reason for this smile. I was sitting in the second floor so had a good view of the park and the surrounding. But I guess he was smiling just for the sheer joy of smiling. Happy for no reason.
But the how could he drink that water coming from that pipe. Then I laughed at my naïve thinking. If someone can afford Brisleri water he will obviously find that pipe water not suitable for drinking. But for a security guard mineral water is a pipe dream just like owning a bungalow in Delhi is a pipedream for me. I travel in an Alto. But people riding BMW might think how I am able to sit inside an Alto. It’s such a small car. So the top guys always looks at the lower placed guys in a strange way. That’s the way of life.
My cell phone rang. I picked it up!
Today my Sunday started off in the same fashion. The weather was a little cool today so I decided to read the news paper in the balcony. My balcony been park facing is quite airy. I sipped my tea. Cool wind was blowing and the sky was cloudy. Yesterday Delhi had a maximum temperature of 44 degree centigrade. So this cool air was God’s gift. I earnestly wished for rains. But that was too big a wish to be fulfilled. In the meantime my breakfast arrived. Pasta time. Finishing my breakfast I sat in the balcony again. The society was surprisingly silent today. I guess people are enjoying the cool weather by sleeping a few extra hours. Good for me. I love solitude. I went inside the room and got Shantaram. It’s a really big book of some 950 pages. I am reading it for the past one month. Two gardeners arrived dragging a pipe with them. Every alternate Sunday the park gets watered. I think they should do this every week. A lady in a nearby flat was taking pictures of the park. Her balcony was like 30 meters away from my balcony. I tried to decipher the shooting subjects. Then she went inside and got something. What was that? I gave an intense look. She was slowly moving her hand from one direction to another direction and then she held it straight towards me. Oh it’s a handycam and me reading Shantaram is the subject. I looked down at the book and then casually looked towards her and gave her a mesmerizing smile. I am sure she will be bowled over by my smile. Besides when she will see my bare body I am sure it will serve her in multiple ways. I was wearing nothing else apart from my boxer shorts.
The gardeners have started watering the plants. One of them was holding the green pipe and pressed the pipe nozzle halfway through his fingers. He was spraying water on the trees. It looked good. I could feel the enjoyment of the leaves. They were having their bath. As the water was getting sprayed from one tree to another, the leaves were getting greener and greener. I love green. It’s full of youthful energy. I remember when I was young my dad used to tell me to keep looking at the green paddy fields when we went to our ancestral village once every six months. He believed that by looking at green, your eyes become healthier. Soon it became a habit for me to keep staring at green. Couple of year’s back I got myself in an odd position due to this habit. It was Durga Puja time. I was with my friends when a lady wearing a green sari entered the auditorium. She was with her friends. My eyes got fixed on her. After all it’s green. And then soon I found myself staring at her green breasts. I didn’t realize she was looking at me. All the other girls were also looking at me. Now you see what an embarrassing situation I got into due to my green habit.
But these green leaves are different. The sun was gently getting visible. The leaves sparkled under the sunlight. The dry ground was getting water and that lovely smell was coming. That smell, which comes when it rains after some very hot days. Or the smell of the first monsoon rains. A whistle sound broke the silence of the park. Who the fuck is whistling? I peeped out of the balcony. A society guard with his big lathi was walking towards the gardener. He had an empty bottle in his hand. And he kept whistling. Man you should whistle at night not in this hour of the day. But I guess he was enjoying the whistling. He went to the guy who was watering the plants. With a big smile he told him to fill up the bottle. That guy filled it up. He took the bottle and finished the bottle in a moment. He smiled and told him to fill it up again. The guy obliged. Taking the bottle he walked away. This time he didn’t whistle. He was smiling. I looked here and there to figure out the reason for this smile. I was sitting in the second floor so had a good view of the park and the surrounding. But I guess he was smiling just for the sheer joy of smiling. Happy for no reason.
But the how could he drink that water coming from that pipe. Then I laughed at my naïve thinking. If someone can afford Brisleri water he will obviously find that pipe water not suitable for drinking. But for a security guard mineral water is a pipe dream just like owning a bungalow in Delhi is a pipedream for me. I travel in an Alto. But people riding BMW might think how I am able to sit inside an Alto. It’s such a small car. So the top guys always looks at the lower placed guys in a strange way. That’s the way of life.
My cell phone rang. I picked it up!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Hide and Seek with a pigeon!
The place where I am staying these days is full of pigeons. Not the white ones but the grayish ones. The outside space of the dining hall windows is a bit more as the walls are thicker on that side. And these extra spaces of all the flats are occupied by pigeons. All the society flats have lot of windows; people generally keep the dining space window closed as it anyway doesn’t offer much air except in summer. The pigeons with the passage of time have taken this extra space as their birth right. When I first entered the flat I saw a nest over there with two little eggs. I could have easily opened the window but then the nest would have got damaged. Building a home is a difficult task and when you think of these little creatures building one, the case becomes all the more special. So I kept the window closed and put a curtain there as a goodwill gesture. The right to privacy. Let both of us live without disturbing each other.
Off late I have started disturbing her. In fact to be precise I play hide and seek with her. Saturdays and Sundays I keep disturbing the lady pigeon. What I do is peep from the one side of the curtain. And I make the best effort not to let her know that I am watching. But I think she has some radar sort of thing or a motion detector. Whenever I peep she looks at me. And it becomes an eyeball to eyeball confrontation. LOC is the window pane. Both sides testing each other. Waiting for the first move. When I blink or bring my eyes closer to the window panes she flies away. I step back from the curtain and wait for few minutes. She is back again. Then again eyeball to eyeball confrontation. And the way she keeps bending and twisting her neck is amazing. This way that way. Up down. Left right. What stuff is her neck made of?
Sometimes when I peep I find her hubby is also beside her. Or may be her boyfriend. Sometimes they become very cozy. Very interesting scene. I cannot control myself and I peep. Kabab mein haddi. And he flies away. A coward! But she stays with iron determination in her eyes. A mother’s resolution of protecting her unborn. I step back.
Summers have come and I need to open that window for more ventilation. But I have decided not to open that. I guess I can withstand a little extra heat inside my flat. At least I have the option of going into my bedroom and switching on the AC. She hasn’t.
Off late I have started disturbing her. In fact to be precise I play hide and seek with her. Saturdays and Sundays I keep disturbing the lady pigeon. What I do is peep from the one side of the curtain. And I make the best effort not to let her know that I am watching. But I think she has some radar sort of thing or a motion detector. Whenever I peep she looks at me. And it becomes an eyeball to eyeball confrontation. LOC is the window pane. Both sides testing each other. Waiting for the first move. When I blink or bring my eyes closer to the window panes she flies away. I step back from the curtain and wait for few minutes. She is back again. Then again eyeball to eyeball confrontation. And the way she keeps bending and twisting her neck is amazing. This way that way. Up down. Left right. What stuff is her neck made of?
Sometimes when I peep I find her hubby is also beside her. Or may be her boyfriend. Sometimes they become very cozy. Very interesting scene. I cannot control myself and I peep. Kabab mein haddi. And he flies away. A coward! But she stays with iron determination in her eyes. A mother’s resolution of protecting her unborn. I step back.
Summers have come and I need to open that window for more ventilation. But I have decided not to open that. I guess I can withstand a little extra heat inside my flat. At least I have the option of going into my bedroom and switching on the AC. She hasn’t.
Friday, May 1, 2009
I kissed the feet of God!
Responsible, Mature, Serious – These three words are totally missing from my life. This is my wife’s accusation against me. And recently I have seen lot of other people close to my heart accusing me in the same line. Well I will not defend myself. To some extent the accusation is true. I am working for the past four years and still my bank balance is abysmally low. I am yet to decide what I really want to do in life. My wishes keep changing. Near and dear ones constantly put pressure on me to do a MBA to consolidate my position in office and move up the corporate ladder. But do I really want to keep going to some office for the next twenty five years of my life. No I don’t. So what is the need for an MBA? But then you never know. Like the last four years, the next twenty five years also may just pass by with me going to office everyday and still thinking what to do to make my life a success!
But things are changing in my life. And how?
Few days back my wife’s friend Ruchi gave birth to a princess. Hearing the good news both of us went to Faridabad to see the little angel. Now I never had an opportunity to see such a small kid. She was just 7 days old –so cute and so small. She was sleeping peacefully and didn’t respond to her mom. We waited patient for her to open her eyes and give us a smile. Then dad took over. Surprisingly when her dad called her she opened her eyes and gave a confusing to look seeing four pair of eyes together. I got a bit nervous as she was on the verge of crying. But her dad told her some incomprehensible stuff in her ears and then she suddenly smiled at all of us. Ah! What a smile. The power of an innocent smile brimming with positive energy is endless. It highly invigorates you. All pain, depression, fatigue vanishes in front of that smile. I was a bit afraid to touch her. She is so soft and small. But then seeing my wife skillfully taking her up in her arms, I got a little confidence and I kissed her forehead. For a second I just felt I kissed the feet of God.
While coming back I was totally lost in my own thoughts. I discovered a new found respect for my parents. 27 years back I was also in the same position. Tender and small. And look at me now. Friends call me baby elephant! And after some years I might be having a baby! And along with the baby comes huge responsibility. The responsibility of a father.
I am trying to be a little more serious with my life. Regarding what to do for the next 25 years of my life I am still undecided but one thing is sure I am trying to use every moments of my life productively. After all its just one life we have and we don’t have any right to waste it away. The only comforting factor right now is I have a very caring wife – a person ready to be with me through thick and thin.
But things are changing in my life. And how?
Few days back my wife’s friend Ruchi gave birth to a princess. Hearing the good news both of us went to Faridabad to see the little angel. Now I never had an opportunity to see such a small kid. She was just 7 days old –so cute and so small. She was sleeping peacefully and didn’t respond to her mom. We waited patient for her to open her eyes and give us a smile. Then dad took over. Surprisingly when her dad called her she opened her eyes and gave a confusing to look seeing four pair of eyes together. I got a bit nervous as she was on the verge of crying. But her dad told her some incomprehensible stuff in her ears and then she suddenly smiled at all of us. Ah! What a smile. The power of an innocent smile brimming with positive energy is endless. It highly invigorates you. All pain, depression, fatigue vanishes in front of that smile. I was a bit afraid to touch her. She is so soft and small. But then seeing my wife skillfully taking her up in her arms, I got a little confidence and I kissed her forehead. For a second I just felt I kissed the feet of God.
While coming back I was totally lost in my own thoughts. I discovered a new found respect for my parents. 27 years back I was also in the same position. Tender and small. And look at me now. Friends call me baby elephant! And after some years I might be having a baby! And along with the baby comes huge responsibility. The responsibility of a father.
I am trying to be a little more serious with my life. Regarding what to do for the next 25 years of my life I am still undecided but one thing is sure I am trying to use every moments of my life productively. After all its just one life we have and we don’t have any right to waste it away. The only comforting factor right now is I have a very caring wife – a person ready to be with me through thick and thin.
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