Today two good friends of mine came down to my place for lunch. After lunch we were chatting and having some drinks when the doorbell rang. I hate to open the door when I am drinking. But I cannot ask my friends to open the door. So reluctantly I opened the door. A lady, in her mid thirties was standing there. She stays in the 3rd floor flat. I have seen her before. She told “Sorry to disturb you. A cloth of mine has fallen in your balcony. If you can please get it for me”. “No problem”, I told and went to the balcony. Nothing was there. I looked again. There it was. I picked it up. It was a brown colored panty with black dots. Looked like somebody has washed it as it was wet. Now this is odd. How to give this panty to that lady? It was quite embarrassing. For a second I thought let me call that lady inside and let her take the panty away. But then I hesitated. What to do? I looked at the panty again. It seemed quite large. I picked it up and handed it over to the lady. The lady thanked me and went away but I could feel that even she was embarrassed. Once I closed the door my friends gave me a pervert look. And then one of them told how could I give that panty so easily. I should have asked for proof. She should have stripped down and wore the panty in front of us and then she should have been handed over that panty. Noble thought but heavily influenced by alcohol. But the Idea wasn’t that bad, what say friends? Everybody has the right to some fun. Isn’t it! So from today I can proudly say I am the panty picker.