I am no fan of frog. They look disgusting. I still remember those school days when we were asked to get frogs for our biology class. It was such a bullshit affair!! Every time I tried to catch a frog it pissed on my hands! And their urine is bloody poisonous. It makes your hand itch. For my class XI biology practical I caught a big frog. The rainy season made my task easier. It was healthy, greenish brown in colour, shining black eyes and a throat…Adnan Sami like! The old Adnan! From the time he has lost weight…well he looks kindda “na idhar ka na udhar ka”. I put this frog inside a plastic pouch, sealed it, made two holes for it to breath. Next day I took it to class. And then the idea struck! Honestly I was trying to “line maro” a girl in my class. But despite my best attempts she was least interested. I kindda looked so stupid in front of her. She was beautiful, with some mind blowing assets. Whenever I went to the bathroom her image accompanied me and during my entire masturbating session, she took the charge! Roleplay, dreamplay, foreplay, handplay, toungeplay…Sensational! And I desperately wanted to impress her! I got a long string and tied that to the frog’s right leg, or limb to be correct. And then I took it out. I bent down toward it and told it
“Listen dude! You simply gotta follow me! Behave yourself! Just follow me! Else your life is finished at the lab table! If you listen you go free and also get some dead mosquitoes in return. Deal?”
He croaked mutedly.
I guessed it understood the threat! I walked in the corridor and the frog followed. Soon a small crowd gathered. This crazy guy has a frog as its pet. Even I could not believe my eyes! This frog was jumping behind me as if it’s my dog. It was so obedient. And soon she was there face to face! The frog behind me! I stopped. Looking at her made me forget everything. The iron ores flying in the wind which some times made our eyes burn, now it seemed so beautiful..fragrant! That dhoti kurta clad Dolai Sir whom I wouldn’t mind murdering under normal circumstances…now he seemed a harmless lovable creature. Such is her magic! She makes the devil look like an angel! She is everything to me! Oh love lets us be close to one another, whats the point in been separated when we are born to be soulmates forever. . I walked towards her with a big smile. And then the frog showed its true colour. The devil. It jumped. The jump of his life. She was wearing a blue frock. And it jumped strategically inside the skirt!! Believe me. I was stupefied. And the ruckus she created! She jumped and lifted her skirt up shouting. And the entire crowd saw her purple panty! And Dolai sir, the devil incarnate took me to the headmaster room. And I was thrashed like anything.
I donot where is she now! I donot know where that frog went. But I am indebted to the frog! He made see experience the thing which I could'nt have done myself!