The joy of enjoying a favourite movie at home when nobody is around is something, which few people can afford these days. I mean in big cities considering the high rental you pay for your flat,well it makes sense to have few people around to enjoy the roof over your head. Sounds stupid..isn't it?
Anyway i have this luxury. Too bad if you don't. And today i saw Jerry McGuire once more. This is a movie i love watching again and again. Why? Probably its because of that Black guy dancing and sayinf "Show me the money". Jokes apart...this movie always teaches me to keep your head high when evevrything is going against you. It inspires me to do those things once again, which i could never accomplish. And it teaches the importance of human relationship, friendship and loyalty in particular. But most importantly it makes you realize the value of passion.
Success consists of simply getting up one more time than you fall.