“April is the cruelest month” wrote T.S. Elliot. Likewise, for most of the working class Monday is the cruelest day. After enjoying the weekend one has to get back to work on a Monday. This day symbolizes the end of something good and the start of something dreadful. I see people at their best moods on a Friday, Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Friday is the end of the sinister work week. Disco Nights, party lights, people swaying, music playing - everybody is in the mood.
I also used to hate Mondays. The hate was so immense that I used to bunk office every alternate Monday. This trend became so rampant that one day my frustrated Boss called me and asked me to explain why I fall sick only on Mondays. Why not a Friday? He must be joking. Nobody falls sick on a Friday.
With time things have changed. How? Firstly I got married. With marriage, one’s dependency on the paycheque increases. Secondly, I have developed a hobby. It’s Photography. Now this is an expensive hobby. Cameras are costly. So are the Photography books. My job pays me to get a few of these 'luxuries'. Besides, I have a dream! I want to have my own Digital SLR one day. I need a regular flow of cash for it. For me Monday morning is the start of a new work week, one step closer to the payday.
Please do not get me wrong. I love weekends. But what’s wrong with a Monday? It’s the beginning of a new opportunity, a new week. Monday is the day when we get one more chance to build something again, a chance to create something new. Monday is potential. Some people grab this opportunity. Some wait for the Friday.