Shiny Ahuja has raped his housemaid. Now this is very difficult news to digest. Shiny with his star image, looks and killer body could have slept with any woman. There are thousands of girls in Mumbai wanting to be the next Bollywood queen. A friend of mine who works in the film industry in a responsible position says that at least fifty percent of the women are willing to sleep with any guy who offers them a role. With no offence to the fairer sex, if this news is even true by a certain percentage, then people like Shiny has access to a significant number of girls to play around and take them to bed. Boys are not far too. Lot of guys is also sleeping in order to get roles, my friend says. They offer themselves to guys who promise them the silver screen magic. And my friend tells me Bollywood is full of gays and would be actors generally face them at one time or another. Thank God I never aspired to be an actor. My ass is safe.
So why did Shiny rape this maid? It’s a tricky question indeed. His Wife Anupam Ahuja has claimed that Shiny is a nice person and a man of character. She must be a very nice and liberal wife who allows her husband to have sex with other woman during her absence. You need to be very bold to give these kind of statements.
Now why did Shiny rape her? Is she too hot and preety? We can’t say as no pictures of her are available. For a change the media is behaving responsibly. She must be having very good assets but again cannot be confirmed. She was a virgin at the time of sex as per the medical reports. Her hymen was ruptured by Shiny’s banana during the brutal act. So was it because Shiny always wanted to do a virgin? Possible. But then was his wife not a virgin? We do not have data on this. So no comments. Another possibility is Shiny wanted to feel rape first hand as he was going to play a serial rapist in some Mahesh Bhatt movie. He wanted to get awards through his realistic acting and so he did the act in real only to get screwed. He thought he could get away as he was a star and the girl will say nothing. But the girl proved to be of very strong character. Other theories can be applied. Possibilities are endless.
In the movie "Life in a Metro" Shiny has intimate scenes with Shilpa Shetty. He did justice to the role of a struggling theatre actor. A person who had restraint with Shilpa, lost control on a servant girl sounds stupid. But Shiny got the plot totally wrong. He went after someone he thought he can get away with as he never thought the girl would go to police especially considering how much women & families value honor in India. But here we are dealing with a honorable girl who has the guts to stand up and protest. 99% of the rapes are not reported due to society image issues. At least she didn’t think of all these things.
Anyway Shiny’s medical reports are yet to arrive but most likely it is going to test positive as he himself has confessed that they both had consentual sex. So bottom-line, Sex has taken placed. Liked or not liked sex not sure at this moment. Now even if he is proved guilty, I have strong beliefs that he will come out a free man. Sometime back I went to give a Interview in one of India’s biggest corporate law firm. The guy told me frankly that cases in India are won not by evidences but by money and power. So in this case Shiny has both. So if Salman Khan after killing a man and Sanjay Dutt accused in Bombay Riots can come out clean, why can’t Shiny?
Whatever be the outcome one thing is sure. Shiny has lost his Shine. I am searching for his address. I want to send him a Black Cherry Shoe Polish and a Brush for his wife. So that both can get the shine back. It would be lovely to see a Black Shiny.