Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I Bunked Office!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Spending time with Jerry Mcguire...one more time

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Amazing letter to Chidambaram! You must read it!
To: hm@nic.in
Subject: Re Interview on NDTV Response from a member of civil society
Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 13:50:54 +0000
Dear Shri Chidambaram,
This is in response to your repeated taunts on NDTV that the civil society must respond to the wanton killing by the Naxals. It appears that the interview was tailor made for getting the consent of the Cabinet for more firepower and airpower to combat the Maoist. The diabolic support of Arun Jaitly, be it by describing you an injured martyr, was designed to achieve his ambition through the support of the mining barons of the BJP ruled states.As a member of society I hope I am being civil in disagreeing with you on your hard line approach against the innocent tribal,. I also hope you will not find it too shocking for being accused of being largely responsible for the rise and growth of Naxalism, as the following happened on your watch as Finance minister.Is it not true that Naxalism grew exponentially in the last ten years to become the present menace ? In fact you have yourself identified the time frame of the last ten years in your interview with NDTV.Is it not true that the rise in popularity of Naxalism is also coincidental with the rise in iron ore mining profits which increased from around Rs50 per tonne to over Rs5000 per tonne in the last ten years?Is it not true that the map of Naxalism is also the map of the Indian Minerals. These minerals belong to the people of India but have been handed over to mining barons and corporate in a relationship of mutual benefit, more appropriately described as crony capitalism. It is for this reason that Arun Jaitly is your staunchest supporter because the fate of four state government ruled by BJP is dependent on the money from the mining mafia..Is it not true that during your watch as Finance Minister for four and half years, corporate raked in a profit of over two lac crores through legal and illegal mining, mostly in the iron ore sector? How was this profit shared?Is it not true that during your entire tenure as FM the royalty on iron ore was not revised and remained at a ridiculous Rs 7 to 27/ tonne ( depending on the type and grade of iron ore) with the average of around Rs 15 per tonne.. This royalty was neither made ad valorem nor was it revised from year 2000 onwards when the international price of iron ore rose to dizzy levels.Is it not true that the minerals are owned by the people of the State? Is a meager 0.5 % royalty on iron ore profits adequate compensation to the owner of the resources? Would you sell your one crore property for Rs 50,000?Did your fulfill the oath that you took as a Minister to abide by the Constitution, in particular Article 39 (b) and (c) of the constitution which directs the government to use natural resources owned by the people of the country are used to subserve the common good?Would the Naxal problem have been there if 25% of the mining profit was spent on the poor and the tribal living in the mining area and whose life was uprooted by the greedy corporate/mining mafia with active connivance of the law enforcers and policy makers ?What prevented the government from nationalizing the iron ore mine industry and handing it over to a PSU or NMDC whose shares of Re1/- was lapped at a premium of Rs300(30000% premium) and using the profit for benefit of the people?Are you aware that even a resource rich and affluent country like Australia with a low population base is imposing an additional 40% windfall tax on the mining profits? Can a poor country like India afford to forgo these windfall profits?Will you reveal as to how many times you have defended public interest through PIL and how many times you have defended corporate interest during your professional career as a lawyer? The question is relevant because of your empathy for the corporate sector is in apparent conflict with that towards the toiling masses.Is it wrong for the civil society to conclude that both as Home Minister and Finance Minister you have been protecting the corporate profiteers ( by first allowing them to loot the mineral wealth belonging to the people and now securing these mines for them) and not protecting the interest of the poor and tribal people who are victims of corporate greed and crony capitalism of the political parties? You in particular should have known better having been a Director of Vedanta Resources!In your appearance on NDTV you talked about the two prong approach and one of them having been weakened. It is the prong of development which has been weakened and is non existent. The royalty collected is not sufficient to pay for the various types of direct damages done by the mining industry ( health, environment, water, roads, rehabilitation etc) let alone the cost of security forces.Is it not true that the killing of innocent security forces and tribal is the direct result of the policy of securing the mineral wealth for the corporate profiteers and political parties who share the loot?It was shocking to know that you were more concerned about your CV falling short by a few months of completing five years as Finance Minister when you met your maker) refer the NDTV interview) than about the blood of the innocent that has been spilled on both sides as a consequence of corporate profiteering..It is not surprising that all the State government which get reelected on the money of the mining mafia are interested in using air cover to make mining safe and profitable ever after. You should know better the role of money in elections after having managed to squeak past the post while the DMK MPs romped home with handsome margin. Mr Raja retained his portfolio!.What is at stake is the credibility of the State : that it is using force to benefit the mining mafia and that it has a vested interest in the profiteering of the mining mafia which is prospering because of crony capitalism.To restore its credibility the Government should resume all the mines which in any case belong to the people and give a solemn pledge that a minimum of 25% of the mining profits will be used for the benefit of the local people. The solution is not only just but one mandated by the Constitution. It is only after restoring its credibility that the State will have the right to act. That one hopes, will not be necessary because honest development based on the resources belonging to the people is the best contraceptive against the Maoist ideology .( One is happy to note that according to newspaper report the Mining Minister has made a similar proposal and not surprisingly facing resistence)What happened Mr Chidambaram, you used to be a nice guy? You resigned over the Fairgrowth affair when you were not even guilty.Life is not about arguing a brief in Court for money. It is about arguing for what is right. You have wrongly accused us being “clever nor being devious “ ( refer interview with NDTV), because we are not capable of it. We cannot argue the way you do. Your arguments in Parliament over the oil for food programme while shielding Reliance from being referred to the Pathak Committee were indeed “brilliant.” Were you being clever or devious in your arguments? ( Refer the book Reliance the Real Natwar written by the undersigned for deciding the issue) Please do not use the civil society as an excuse for your omissions and commissions. We have no vested interest except that what belongs to the people should go to the people and that innocents, whether the security forces or the people forced to join the Maoist, should not die for corporate profits.. We are not powerful to tie the State governments with legal cases on police excesses. Those trying to uphold human right violations do so at considerable risk to their life and liberty and deserve our respect and not condemnation as misguided romantics.On a personal note Sir, Will you resign and argue my PIL before the High Court involving three lac crores of iron ore being gifted by the State to Posco and Arcelormittal ( as Palkhivala did to argue the Minerva Mill case) . It will be difficult to lose the case because law, facts and most important you will be on the same side.If you agree to do so, Sir, I am sure He will give you far more credit than He would for the extra six months that you missed out as Finance Minister!In case you are interested I will send you a copy of the petition.Looking forward to hearing from you. For far too long you have been shifting the blame on the civil society. We too need answers..
With warm regards
A K Agrawal
Source: http://mediavigil.blogspot.com/2010/05/civil-societys-response-to-chidambaram.html
The writer of this letter needs to be appreciated for speaking the truth. There are two sides to every story. Media is not neutral and we need to be cautious and get to the bottom of everything. The root cause of all the problems in India is the deep corruption in the political system, which runs totally by greed. But then what much can you expect when an Italian runs the country. No Indian has balls big enough to run this country! Thats why we get useless people, past their expiry date as Prime Ministers! Thats why we get Bhopal gas tragedy. Thats why all critical clauses are removed from the Nuclear Liability Bill. And persons like Quatrocchi are allowed to roam free with royal treatment. Long live India.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
India Mamtacised!! Politicised!

The state of a country is known by its leaders. And when you have a mad selfish woman like Mamta Banerjee as one of ruling leaders, well you have it. She is not interested in the welfare of the train passengers who suffered in the Maoist tragedy few days back in Bengal. She is more interested to create divisions and blame her political opponents for trying to sabotage her. All our politicians are playing divide and rule. And the future is an easy interpretation. Punjab is more different than Bengal, so is Tamil Nadu and Haryana. So from where the unity is going to come? And the politicians instead of uniting our country are backing the divisive forces for own selfish interests. It is for these reasons that states like Jharkhand gets created in the first place and crooks like Madhu Koda rules. And for the very same reasons Maoists are rapidly growing their base. And people like Aparna Sen, Maheswata Devi, Arundhati Roy supports them. Everybody has their own motives. Nobody is clean. Sare jahan Achha Hindustan Humara. Par Kaise?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Rotten Naveen Jindal

Monday, May 10, 2010
No More Bullshit Hero Worship for me! I admit my mistake!

We Indians are obsessed with two things : Cricket and Bollywood! I mean we invest so much of our time viewing cricket that dickheads in the BCCI are getting rich at our expense! And so with Bollywood! Else how can people like Emran Hasmi become so rich? Only if we all used our time more productively we could have easily beaten the hell out of Japan, the epitome of productivity! Our obsession with our filmy and cricketing heroes makes me remember an incident in Dilip Kumar’s life. This happened in the sixties. Dipil Kumar was a big star. e was travelling in a plane wH He was flying in a plane and JRD Tata was also traveling with him. JRD sat just next to him. Dilip recognized him! But he wanted JRD to strike a conversation. He is afterall a Star! JRD was too busy going through some papers. Dilip got anxious! Finally he could not control himself.
“JRD looked up and gave him a puzzled look. But he smiled and got back to his paper”
Dilip told again “I am Dilip Kumar, the Film star”
JRD told “Sorry I cannot recognize you gentleman. Neither do I watch Films”
I guess this incident throws light on lot of things!
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Failed Bomber!

There is lot of speculations going on in the media regarding the credibility of the guy as the “suspected” bomber in the failed New York car bomb attack. Firstly the attempt is too much amateurish. Secondly the guy who wanted to create mayhem decided to co-operate fully within a span of 24 hours with the security agencies! Thirdly the kind of life he was living – well it’s really tough to convince that kind of progressive modern character about the benefits of declaring Jihad! He was working as a Financial Analyst with a fat salary, came from an extremely well to do family. But I think these points can be ignored. The depth of human mind, the way it behaves – it is difficult to understand. So let’s not come to conclusion. Lastly lots of people are also saying that the guy seen in the CCTV footage has a big bald patch in his head. The suspect Faisal Shahzad who has been caught looks completely different! Well what I think is the CCTV footage released in the public domain is just meant to confuse! FBI guys are not kids that they will tell the whole world that this is the picture of the terrorist. If it was our CBI this kind of childish behavior was understandable. But not from the FBI. The aim of the footage is just try to give a false sense of security to the guy who actually did it. The CCTV footage shows the bald guy just taking off his shirt near the car and having a shoulder glance at the car. That’s it. Now why the hell the guy who knows that there is a bomb in the car come so close to the car and take off his shirt? Probably our Arnab Goswami and Barkha Dutt will hold unlimited discussion regarding this on their famous TV channels and the Indians will watch. They have so much time to waste! But to any sensible guy I don’t think this activity makes much sense! Something is seriously wrong. But one good thing has happened. The world has again been directed to the terrorist breeding ground called Pakistan! God knows how many more pointings will be required to hammer some sense into the head of USA. I guess lot of the US politicians receive huge kickbacks from Pakistan when it receives those all kinds of US financial aids. To me USA is just a hypocrite who is hell bent in fulfilling its narrow self interests.
I can only say one thing for sure. The US education is not good. I mean it’s not competent enough. The way the bomb was set up, the kind of trigger that was used and the way the car was bought…Mr Faisal got his education in the US. He simply couldn’t get the basics right!
And one more thing that continues to puzzle me! Why majority of the muslim community so much in love with Bombs? Is it something in their DNA?