Recently something extraordinary has happened in my life. I have lost my urge to watch cricket. I simply find it a complete waste of my time. This was not the case even few months back. But something has happened during the IPL 3 that has cured me from my cricket malady. May be the Tharoor Lalit affair! May be Sunanda’s clean shaven arm pits and operated nose! May the too much cricket been played …I guess it’s mainly the cricketing overdose that has killed my desire to watch. And honestly i do not even find Sachin Tendulkar’s batting that much captivating any more. The way he goes kaput in the critical days makes me think just one thing – end of the day it’s all about luck! I know my statement will make me a no 1 enemy to lot of people but that’s the fact. Cricket is a time waste for a nation where 70% of the population lives at Rs 12 per day! I guess we have better things to do than continue our futile hero worship. In my school days I used to watch too much sports – all kinds. Except Golf. I couldn’t understand it. My mother used to say “They are playing, are getting paid in millions. What are you getting? Instead of watching these stupid games if you study a little extra you will benefit” How right she was! But by the time I realized it was too late to recover. Too much time has already been spent.
We Indians are obsessed with two things : Cricket and Bollywood! I mean we invest so much of our time viewing cricket that dickheads in the BCCI are getting rich at our expense! And so with Bollywood! Else how can people like Emran Hasmi become so rich? Only if we all used our time more productively we could have easily beaten the hell out of Japan, the epitome of productivity! Our obsession with our filmy and cricketing heroes makes me remember an incident in Dilip Kumar’s life. This happened in the sixties. Dipil Kumar was a big star. e was travelling in a plane wH He was flying in a plane and JRD Tata was also traveling with him. JRD sat just next to him. Dilip recognized him! But he wanted JRD to strike a conversation. He is afterall a Star! JRD was too busy going through some papers. Dilip got anxious! Finally he could not control himself.
He told – “Hi! I am Dilip Kumar”
“JRD looked up and gave him a puzzled look. But he smiled and got back to his paper”
Dilip told again “I am Dilip Kumar, the Film star”
JRD told “Sorry I cannot recognize you gentleman. Neither do I watch Films”
I guess this incident throws light on lot of things!
“JRD looked up and gave him a puzzled look. But he smiled and got back to his paper”
Dilip told again “I am Dilip Kumar, the Film star”
JRD told “Sorry I cannot recognize you gentleman. Neither do I watch Films”
I guess this incident throws light on lot of things!
But I will stop here. After all everyone has the right to live their own life! And in democracy you can chose heroes! And what stuff you want to watch! This is not thankfully China where you can lose your head if you do something which is not liked by your state! But at least i will try to do something different when the entire India will be busy worshiping Sachin and the SRKs. They are great but not true heroes for me! I need to find my true hero! At least my hero finding journey has begun. What about you?