India is land of dirt, squalor and rotten politicians. The latest politician to join the rotten list is Mr Naveen Jindal. I kind of liked this fellow. He was at least young, a quality which our current MPs lack bitterly! He shot to fame with his celebrated court battle regarding the right to fly the national flag. And he won the case. He got support from the entire country on this. Everybody, proud of their country should have the right to fly the national flag. Period. But that’s past. He was new to politics then. Young blood made him do lot of things which got nothing but whole hearted appreciation. But look at him now. He has finally become a seasoned politician! He has penetrated the list of the mighty corrupted political fraternity! He has supported the Khap panchayats. Reason is to safe guard his MP post in Kuruksetra in Haryana. And the entire country till date got fooled that Mr Naveen Jindal had progressive mindset within his head! What a big joke? This guy is mentally retarded! His mind has nothing inside but greed for power. He is now in the extraordinary league of the Yadavs, the Mayawatis, the Thakreys and the Karunanidhis! He has finally started playing the dangerous game of Identity politics! This guy had everything. Money, education, family! But I guess politics gives much more than these three and thus to safeguard his political career he has taken side with the “Jats” and their oppression of the poor class. Shame on Naveen! There are better ways to earn money Naveen! You could have easily stayed away from this regressive Khap Panchayat setup! How much more money do you want to mint by selling this country Naveen? How much identity and caste based politics you have to practice to safe guard your parliament seat? You guys after all are fed by us, the tax payers. I sincerely pray to God that people like you should be picked up by Yamraj ASAP! But then I am sure you have bribed him and sent some poor Dalit to die on your behalf! The Jats can always beat the system. Isn’t it? Wish somebody from your family got killed in the name of Honour Killing. And then we could have watched you amusingly! And I am sure your boss, the old Sardar would have also jumped in joy! Unfortunately he cannot scold you because he also needs to keep his position safe. End of the day its all about satisfying madam to the fullest!