Today an embarrassing thing happened while I was relieving myself in the office bathroom. I had a completely unexpected neck sprain. And what was my fault? I guess I quickly looked down…I generally look straight or sideways provided no one is at the next pee station. This time all the pee stations were occupied so I was looking straight at the wall in front of me. I was done and looked down to zip up..and the neck sprain struck from nowhere. For few seconds it was complete blackout. I somehow pushed my head up and rotated it sideways…and it got stuck again. It was paining like anything. The guy who was also reliving himself looked at me oddly. I guess he took me as a ‘gay’ ogling him in his private moment. Sensing that I told him that I have got a “keech” in my neck and tried to smile. He laughed. Others joined from the respective pee stations. It was so embarrassing and irritating. I somehow washed my hands and came out. I sat on the lounge sofa and massaged my neck vigorously. I moved it sideways then up then down. Repeat. After few minutes the pain lessened. But once I got up and walked towards my seat it came back again. Generally this type of thing happens while we sleep…like you wake up and find the sprain in your neck. But hardly one encounters this type of stupid thing in the bathroom. I think somebody is doing voodoo on me.
But the most worrisome thing is the comment from my wife. I told her that I had got a sprain while I was relieving myself. She got extremely serious and told this is the initial stage of a heart attack. What? I shouted. She told that people generally have heart attacks inside the bathroom. And having a sprain in the neck is an ominous thing for grimmer things to come. I should take my health more seriously and do routine workout to reduce the extra layers of fat. Otherwise next time I might get a heart attack during relieving inside the wash room. I vigorously contested her stupid point of view by saying that nobody in their late twenties get heart attack. She told times are changing. If SAP CEO can die in his late forties despite been so fitness freak…well I simply stand no chance. I got to be careful.
Yes! It’s pure voodoo. Somebody is trying to screw me up. I am afraid. I don’t want to die inside the bathroom.