My friend who has got recently married is now an extremely frustrated person. Before marriage he was so upbeat. Got himself a Sherwani for Rs 15000, designer shoes etc etc. And every time he got something new he made it a point to reveal their prices to me. People who have seen ‘3 Idiots’ might be thinking about Kareena Kapoor’s fiancée in the film…well he is not at that level…her fiancée was too much type! Anyway the marriage was a gala event. Their honeymoon went preety smoothly. And now almost two months are over post marriage. And he has finally started facing the music. First his in-laws including his wife is complete veg. Point is during the courtship period (his is a love cum arranged marriage) every obstacle seems insignificant. When I used to ask him how will he manage after marriage because his wife is a strict veg he used to say “Koi nahi. Paneer tikka ke sath daru pi lenge”. And now his entire life is made of panner and sag sabzi. His mother who earlier tried to convert him to a veggie has found a perfect weapon to demolish his extreme chicken eating habits. Bahu is giving an able company. Second problem is bahu’s cooking. Once in a while her wife cooks some “tasty” dishes. Now the problem is those dishes are not tasty at all. And he was idiot enough to tell her “This is shit. It’s not like the same dish my mother used to make for me. I cannot eat so much”. Guys hope you can imagine the crime! This is pure suicide. You are not supposed to tell your wife (who are generally in charge of the kitchen) that she has cooked bad food. Grow Up! Even initially I used to make this type of stupid mistake but then I was always a ‘dramabazz’ character. My friend unfortunately is not. So his life is spiraling into total chaos daily. And to top up his pains every Sunday he is dragged to his in-laws place for lunch and there he has to digest three four dishes of panner with various sag sabzi. His entire shit has become paneer like. And he constantly bores me with all this nonsense complains. Boss what the hell can I do? I am also married. And you need to handle your marriage in an intelligent way. And there is no tutorial to lead a happy married life. You learn it with time. Every time he complains to me I give him my stock reply “Sabur karo beta. Sab thik ho jayega”. Hope every thing becomes all right. I sincerely pray that he starts eating tandori chicken again. But I fear this might not happen. Instead he might become a ‘frutarian’. People who have seen the movie ‘Noting Hill’ will remember that Frutarians are those people who only eats fruits and vegetables which fall on the ground ‘dead’. They donot pluck fruits etc as that is considered a ‘murder’. And the way things are progressing with my friend that soon he might be a ‘Frutarian’. God gibe him strength. Let us all pray for his well being. Ah men! One more thing. My friend looks like a classic case of the following verse:
“Before wedding
you are my heart, you are my love’
After wedding
‘you get on my nerves'.”