I guess the time has come when I will be finally heading home…permanently. Five years back I left Bengal as I was not able to get a job there. Low paying jobs were abound but was not enough to sustain my hunger. High paying jobs were there but those were for the highly intelligent and the extremely connected ones. I had none. So I had to move to Delhi. But now I have a ray of hope. And you know the reason? “Marathi Manoos” funda. Ashok Chavan, the chief minister of Maharastra has issued a directive that only those people who have lived in Maharastra for 15 years and know how to read and write Marathi will get Taxi permit. So basically only the Marathis will be eligible and all the migrants from UP and Bihar mostly have to look for other options. He has simply hijacked the agenda of Shiv Sena and MNS. So initially it was just that Spineless Bal and Raj Thakrey…and now you have the NCP and Congress campaigning for Marathi Manoos votebank. Soon the entire Mumbai will be only for Marathis. And there lies my hope. The other states will hit back. Indian politicians are masters in playing regional and divisive politics. They wont take this lying down. Lalu is already thirsty for Chavan’s blood. So Mr Chavan do not worry. Soon all the states will issue rules in similar lines. Gujrat for Gujratis, Bengal for Bengalis…and so on. And soon IT companies will be forced to hire only regional candidates. And yeppi!!…………I will be swiftly placed at my home. Come on Chavan. Give us more. Tell that Bollywood can only function if Marathi movies are made. Kick Sharukh Khan away. He is not a Marathi. And Big B. And there are loads of others. Come on Raj Thakrey. Get some fake spine, stand up and deliver…the time has come. Chavan has sounded the Bugle…time to get down in the streets and fight for Marathi manoos pride. Show your manhood Raj. You know your otherside…time to show the hidden side provided you have some. Laloo, Modiji, Mamtadidi….get ready…the time for India has come! Let us all unite. And let’s all go back to where we belong! Ah my hometown river….I will be soon cruising on your banks…just like I did in my school and college days. Just wait for some more time. And you know my dear river I now have a car…no more cycle…we will have the ultimate fun. I can also afford some costly wine..we will have it together. Just wait. I am just waiting for the announcement that Bengal is for Bengalis. Till that happens to all those who calls our politicians dirty, bastard, characterless, swine, and what not..pls hold on for a while. Let them do their job..its a big task. Let Deve Gowda take this dirty job up…he is doing well by calling Mr Yeddyurappa ‘Bloody Bastard’. So let him waste his energies calling names while we save our energies. We will need that when we have to pack our bags and return home.
Home is where the heart lies. Jai Ho!