India aspires to be a superpower (I consider that a pipedream). I can bet my life that this kind of dream will never ever get fulfilled till we have politicians like Mayawati, the Yadavs, the Pawars, the Patels, the Rajas. The list is endless. Includes the Gandhis too! Nobody is clean. And what is the point of having a clean Sardar whose cabiner has loads of dirty souls? Now if we look worldwide it’s really difficult to equate politics with cleanliness. Honestly in today’s age nobody expects the politicians to be much clean. When you got dangerous duties to perform results matter. But when these politicians start treating the country as their kingdom, as their personal property, that is the time to be worried. But we as a nation have remained in a worried state for the last twenty years. Frankly speaking all the rot in the political system started with the Mandal Commission and Mr VP Singh. And now we have politicians from every caste. Low caste, high caste – all have their own agendas! But the most important class, the middle class has not much of a option! It is the middle class who is suffering the most in the hands of the Indian politicians. Why? I guess it is because of our inherent culture. Look at me. I consider myself a typical middle class Indian. With a monthly salary I some how sustain myself in a metro, manage to do some savings, try to go out once a month here and there for a change, work dedicatedly in a not so dedicated job! And in spite of all the sadness and happiness (a rare commodity) I honestly pay my taxes. I am forced too. The poor have their BPL cards and are part of one or the other votebank. The rich bastards create the laws of the land so that we can be more screwed up. And what the hell do we the middle class do? We keep complaining. Like I am doing right now. I am a coward. We see Rang De Basanti and plan for a revolution! And more the alchohol, the better the revolution. But when it comes to act we chicken out! Such lousy rats we are.
Wish there was a way where all the salaried class of our country could come together and stop paying the taxes. A simple non-cooperation movement. I strongly feel who ever decides to open a political party and start fighting for the middle class of India, chances of that party forming a government would be pretty decent. Anybody listening? Can’t we all team up and do this. But then chances are that like me you also have been brought up by your parents with this view that politics is dirty, one should stay away from it. So like typical middle class we all wait for that messiah who unfortunately will never come. Our fate lies in our hands. But we think otherwise. Inch by Inch we keep giving away our life to the government. Bit by Bit we suffer and when all the bits get added up, it’s time to meet death. We suffer as a class. And we all die as individuals. Without a lament. Without a dirge. For the government it’s just a PAN card that got expired. We are just numbers. Bloody unknown citizens! For whom nobody cares!