Mr Chidambaram what have you done sir? Why are you trying to change things for better? You were a much loved person as a finance minister. Now as a home minister you are (I guess) the most hated person in the government circle. The Maoists already hated you.( you are always up their ass). And now your very own government employees hate you. Why have you done this Sir? Why the hell do you want to introduce ‘Biometric Attendance System’ in government offices? Why do you want to track these employees’ attendance? They are so used to signing in the register, which is so difficult to track. And now everyone is protesting. Employees in most of the government offices are breaking these machines…or putting glue inside the sensor. They will sabotage this noble effort of you sir…they will. The noble professors are also not happy. How dare you question their commitment…they are teachers sir….teachers…Nation Builders. Why do you want them to spend a certain amount of time regularly inside the classes? This will make the students more intelligent sir, which in turn will fuel the GDP growth….not good Sir..not good at all. Let them enjoy their life Sir. They only have one life to waste. They are used to it. If you push more they will go to strike and the students will suffer. Delhi University Teachers Union are already contemplating a strike! Leave the useless sarkari karmachari alone Sir…please. These useless idiots are good for nothing. And we tax payers are used to it. Don’t jeopardize our life in this way…cause I know the kind of person you are you won’t quit this biometric initiative so easily. And ‘strikes’ are inevitable! And we will suffer.
Sir if you are really serious about ‘Biometric Attendance’ then do us a favor. Terminate those employees who do not want to comply. I know riots will happen…political pressure will be upon you to terminate your Biometric plans. But please do not quit sir. These government employees are so used to taking their pay cheque without doing anywork that they wont put their hands down easily. But I am sure with your iron resolve things will fall in line. So fire a few of these Sarkari Karmachari. Start with those ghost employees of MCD. Start it sir. Firing is the best way. We tax payers will support you fully in this. To make our country a better place we are ready to bear the temporary pain. Jai Hind!