My friend has returned from US without getting me the things that I had requested for. I had told him to get me a copy of ‘The New Yorker’ and ‘New York Times’ paper. Although these are available online but feeling the real things is a completely different experience. So had requested him to get these for me. But he decided not to buy them because he couldn’t digest the price. Both of them cost $5. So it like Rs 250 in our Indian currency. According to him, paying 250 bucks for a magazine or a paper is a criminal offence. Milions of people are without food in India and it will not be morally correct for me to spend such a princely amount on a magazine or a paper. So he decided not to buy them. Instead he has got a bottle of scotch for me. When I asked him what about the hungry poor Indians….he told the bottle is food for the mind and the soul and cannot be counted as wastage of money! What an argument! I checked the bottle for the price. It was costly!! When I asked him why did he get the bottle which is so costly he told that a similar bottle in India will cost around Rs 5000 or a bit more. he got at almost half the price in US. So it was profitable. And besides he has read (where he has forgotten) that Khuswant Singh drinks Scotch regularly. And he is a famous writer. So as I aspire to be a writer this scotch will do me wonders in my literary journey. Amazing viewpoint and insight! So much concern! I guess that is why from my childhood he still remains my best friend!
Ab mein ja raha hu Talli hone! Bhar mein jaye writing shiiting. Bhar mein jaye duniya….mein talli mein talli mein talli go gaya…………….