Mr Narendra Modi has made voting compulsory in local body polls in Gujarat. And as with everything in India...as expected people opinion are divided. Some think it is great while some feel this is bullshit...a stunt! A pure political gimmick. India is seriously a strange country. When a bad thing happen some people will be always there to say ‘nothing bad has happened’. And when a good thing happen some people will always say ‘nothing good has happened’. I guess most of the time people oppose just to oppose and be at the other side of the line to hog the limelight. I support Modi in this. And I sincerely think voting should be made compulsory across all types of elections in India. Modi despite all the blemishes once in a while does some excellent stuff. And this is one such excellent act. Mr Arnab Goswami of Times Now is Modi Basher. He has genuine reasons but most of the times he just gets overboard. Today Arnab got some real embarrassment when he was interviewing Modi in the newshour. He asked Modi that as voting is compulsory now, citizens should also be given the right to reject a candidate and cast a blank vote. Arnab never expected Modi to say “Yes”. Unfortunately Modi told that the passed legislation has the option of casting blank vote. A voter can reject all the candidates if he/she wants. Now this is really a path breaking move. Arnab after hearing this answer told that everybody is saying this is a political gimmick as Mr Modi’s party never pushed this law nation wide despite been in power in quite a few states. Then Modi again embarrassed him by saying that Advani has raised this issue lot of times at parliament. Modi stole the show and had the last laugh. I have nothing against Arnab. He is a terrific guy and very passionate about news…a great anchor and host. But he should get over his Modi phobia. This is India. If his mind is still occupied with Godhra episode….well one needs to move on. We have no other way but to rely on the judicial system, however inefficient it may be. Good to see that Modi has found a big supporter of compulsory voting in his biggest enemy Lalu Prasad jadav. Lalu told that compulsory voting should be extended to Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha. Point should be given some serious thought Soniaji.
Lets support this Modi initiative. And I sincerely request our Congress queen…sorry our prime minister Manmohanji to comeup with some kind of legislation to make voting compulsory across India. Most of the companies give a holiday on the Voting day. But most the people do not vote. They prefer to sit at home and enjoy. These people should be punished. Those who do not vote should not also have the right to crib later that we have bad politicians. As you sow so shall you reap. Madam are you…Oh sorry…Manmohanji hope you are listening!