Let’s talk something interesting. Two interesting things! First one is something I read in the newspaper today related to Copenhagan chaos in progress. USA has 745 cars per 1000 person while India has 12 and Bangladesh has just 2. I consider myself supremely blessed. I own a car. And so are you. In India we all who own a car need to bring our carbon footprint down. I guess the way petrol prices are inching up we will soon be forced to take ‘passengers’ in our cars. As far as I am concerned I am clean. I share a ride with my travel writer friend. So we both are carbon free. But we see lot of people driving big SUVs all alone. These guys need to be caught and penalized. But then I guess I am sounding too harsh on our Fellow Indians. We just have only 12 cars per thousand! What about the bloody Americans? They are lecturing us in Copanhagen to reduce our carbon footprint! Come on Obamaji! Our carbon emission is 93% less than yours. First set your own house in order and then lecture us. I think Indian government is doing its bit. There is hope in the form of Jairam Ramesh. All my support is with him. Sometimes he does a bit bakwas..but its fine. Without bakwas he will cease to be a loving Indian…no offence but little pagalpan is fine. Between us.
Second interesting one is regarding an American commentator. I have always considered theses Americans to be crazy people. People who do not have any morals, ethics and are outright greedy! People who are continuously screwing each other. Wife not gelling well with Husband, son finding solace in the arms of a prostitute, daughter more comfortable partying naked than spending time at home. Kind of crazy society..Pole dancing all the way! Ok my view may be blurred...once in a while who doesn't like a Poledance? The serious problem is with their views? An American commentator called Glenn Beck today in Fox News has told that our sacred river Ganga ‘sounds like a disease’. He said: "One big river they have there, that sounds like a disease. Come on, it does. I mean if somebody said, I am sorry, you have a really bad case of Ganges." His program also aired a clip of an American women saying that healthcare in US is fucking costly. She had gone to Delhi to get a surgery done. This surgery if it was done in US would have cost her around $40-50000. The commentator justified the high price by saying Doctors in US were trained in elite institutions like Harvard while doctors in Delhi were students of some college like ‘Garja Raja medical college’. So obviously there will be a price difference. Stupid! Isn’t it? This is America. Bloody bloodsuckers! Unfortunately most of the Indians feel blessed when they land in US. And most of them do not want to come back. They want to be citizens of USA. That’s what one can call patriotism! Sare jahan se Achha…USA humara.