Chetan Bhagat is a furious man these days! His royalty check is going down day by day. And he blames it on piracy. Come on Bhagatji! Your book officially costs Rs 90. And in book stores and online it’s available between Rs 60-70. So printing pirated copies of your book does not make much sense Sir! Your recent book ‘Two States’ is simply not worth reading. So people are not buying it. Period. Your own BPO crowd seems no longer interested in your hype and hoopla. Poor You! And the way you twittered about Piracy and blocked people who supported piracy…Oh man grow up! Its simple supply and demand economics at work. I give you a small example. You know Amitabh Ghosh I believe. His books are generally priced at around Rs 400 (Don’t fall from your chair. Literary bigshots don’t sell their books at Rs 90). And pirated copies of Amitabh are available for Rs 100. I have two copies of them. Why did I buy it? Cause I could not afford the original ones Mr Bhagat. You think me to be an inferior person…right? That’s what you told in twitter..its something like “if you do not have the capacity to buy a book do not buy it. No point in pirated book. It kills the Indian creativity and makes people look west ward”. Mr Bhagat why don’t you tell this to the crooked and greedy publishers. Does it really cost that much to print a book. So Chetanji, if someone offers a product which is almost similar in quality with the original at 1/4th of the original price….shouldn’t I buy it? Tell me? There is a website called http://www.ebookee.com/. Visit this website sometime Mr Bhagat. You will understand how piracy helps! There is a Photography book which I always wanted to buy…was not able to buy because it was priced at Rs 2500. In ebookee.com this book’s pdf version was available for download. Free. I downloaded it and read it. And I am happy. I know somebody might be upset because I didn’t buy the book. But then they have priced it so high that even if few copies sell its enough profit for them. So Bhagat grow up! And next time try to write beyond your IIM. Enough of it! We all are fed up. And price your books below Rs 20. It’s genuinely worth that money.