Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I Bunked Office!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Spending time with Jerry Mcguire...one more time

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Amazing letter to Chidambaram! You must read it!
To: hm@nic.in
Subject: Re Interview on NDTV Response from a member of civil society
Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 13:50:54 +0000
Dear Shri Chidambaram,
This is in response to your repeated taunts on NDTV that the civil society must respond to the wanton killing by the Naxals. It appears that the interview was tailor made for getting the consent of the Cabinet for more firepower and airpower to combat the Maoist. The diabolic support of Arun Jaitly, be it by describing you an injured martyr, was designed to achieve his ambition through the support of the mining barons of the BJP ruled states.As a member of society I hope I am being civil in disagreeing with you on your hard line approach against the innocent tribal,. I also hope you will not find it too shocking for being accused of being largely responsible for the rise and growth of Naxalism, as the following happened on your watch as Finance minister.Is it not true that Naxalism grew exponentially in the last ten years to become the present menace ? In fact you have yourself identified the time frame of the last ten years in your interview with NDTV.Is it not true that the rise in popularity of Naxalism is also coincidental with the rise in iron ore mining profits which increased from around Rs50 per tonne to over Rs5000 per tonne in the last ten years?Is it not true that the map of Naxalism is also the map of the Indian Minerals. These minerals belong to the people of India but have been handed over to mining barons and corporate in a relationship of mutual benefit, more appropriately described as crony capitalism. It is for this reason that Arun Jaitly is your staunchest supporter because the fate of four state government ruled by BJP is dependent on the money from the mining mafia..Is it not true that during your watch as Finance Minister for four and half years, corporate raked in a profit of over two lac crores through legal and illegal mining, mostly in the iron ore sector? How was this profit shared?Is it not true that during your entire tenure as FM the royalty on iron ore was not revised and remained at a ridiculous Rs 7 to 27/ tonne ( depending on the type and grade of iron ore) with the average of around Rs 15 per tonne.. This royalty was neither made ad valorem nor was it revised from year 2000 onwards when the international price of iron ore rose to dizzy levels.Is it not true that the minerals are owned by the people of the State? Is a meager 0.5 % royalty on iron ore profits adequate compensation to the owner of the resources? Would you sell your one crore property for Rs 50,000?Did your fulfill the oath that you took as a Minister to abide by the Constitution, in particular Article 39 (b) and (c) of the constitution which directs the government to use natural resources owned by the people of the country are used to subserve the common good?Would the Naxal problem have been there if 25% of the mining profit was spent on the poor and the tribal living in the mining area and whose life was uprooted by the greedy corporate/mining mafia with active connivance of the law enforcers and policy makers ?What prevented the government from nationalizing the iron ore mine industry and handing it over to a PSU or NMDC whose shares of Re1/- was lapped at a premium of Rs300(30000% premium) and using the profit for benefit of the people?Are you aware that even a resource rich and affluent country like Australia with a low population base is imposing an additional 40% windfall tax on the mining profits? Can a poor country like India afford to forgo these windfall profits?Will you reveal as to how many times you have defended public interest through PIL and how many times you have defended corporate interest during your professional career as a lawyer? The question is relevant because of your empathy for the corporate sector is in apparent conflict with that towards the toiling masses.Is it wrong for the civil society to conclude that both as Home Minister and Finance Minister you have been protecting the corporate profiteers ( by first allowing them to loot the mineral wealth belonging to the people and now securing these mines for them) and not protecting the interest of the poor and tribal people who are victims of corporate greed and crony capitalism of the political parties? You in particular should have known better having been a Director of Vedanta Resources!In your appearance on NDTV you talked about the two prong approach and one of them having been weakened. It is the prong of development which has been weakened and is non existent. The royalty collected is not sufficient to pay for the various types of direct damages done by the mining industry ( health, environment, water, roads, rehabilitation etc) let alone the cost of security forces.Is it not true that the killing of innocent security forces and tribal is the direct result of the policy of securing the mineral wealth for the corporate profiteers and political parties who share the loot?It was shocking to know that you were more concerned about your CV falling short by a few months of completing five years as Finance Minister when you met your maker) refer the NDTV interview) than about the blood of the innocent that has been spilled on both sides as a consequence of corporate profiteering..It is not surprising that all the State government which get reelected on the money of the mining mafia are interested in using air cover to make mining safe and profitable ever after. You should know better the role of money in elections after having managed to squeak past the post while the DMK MPs romped home with handsome margin. Mr Raja retained his portfolio!.What is at stake is the credibility of the State : that it is using force to benefit the mining mafia and that it has a vested interest in the profiteering of the mining mafia which is prospering because of crony capitalism.To restore its credibility the Government should resume all the mines which in any case belong to the people and give a solemn pledge that a minimum of 25% of the mining profits will be used for the benefit of the local people. The solution is not only just but one mandated by the Constitution. It is only after restoring its credibility that the State will have the right to act. That one hopes, will not be necessary because honest development based on the resources belonging to the people is the best contraceptive against the Maoist ideology .( One is happy to note that according to newspaper report the Mining Minister has made a similar proposal and not surprisingly facing resistence)What happened Mr Chidambaram, you used to be a nice guy? You resigned over the Fairgrowth affair when you were not even guilty.Life is not about arguing a brief in Court for money. It is about arguing for what is right. You have wrongly accused us being “clever nor being devious “ ( refer interview with NDTV), because we are not capable of it. We cannot argue the way you do. Your arguments in Parliament over the oil for food programme while shielding Reliance from being referred to the Pathak Committee were indeed “brilliant.” Were you being clever or devious in your arguments? ( Refer the book Reliance the Real Natwar written by the undersigned for deciding the issue) Please do not use the civil society as an excuse for your omissions and commissions. We have no vested interest except that what belongs to the people should go to the people and that innocents, whether the security forces or the people forced to join the Maoist, should not die for corporate profits.. We are not powerful to tie the State governments with legal cases on police excesses. Those trying to uphold human right violations do so at considerable risk to their life and liberty and deserve our respect and not condemnation as misguided romantics.On a personal note Sir, Will you resign and argue my PIL before the High Court involving three lac crores of iron ore being gifted by the State to Posco and Arcelormittal ( as Palkhivala did to argue the Minerva Mill case) . It will be difficult to lose the case because law, facts and most important you will be on the same side.If you agree to do so, Sir, I am sure He will give you far more credit than He would for the extra six months that you missed out as Finance Minister!In case you are interested I will send you a copy of the petition.Looking forward to hearing from you. For far too long you have been shifting the blame on the civil society. We too need answers..
With warm regards
A K Agrawal
Source: http://mediavigil.blogspot.com/2010/05/civil-societys-response-to-chidambaram.html
The writer of this letter needs to be appreciated for speaking the truth. There are two sides to every story. Media is not neutral and we need to be cautious and get to the bottom of everything. The root cause of all the problems in India is the deep corruption in the political system, which runs totally by greed. But then what much can you expect when an Italian runs the country. No Indian has balls big enough to run this country! Thats why we get useless people, past their expiry date as Prime Ministers! Thats why we get Bhopal gas tragedy. Thats why all critical clauses are removed from the Nuclear Liability Bill. And persons like Quatrocchi are allowed to roam free with royal treatment. Long live India.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
India Mamtacised!! Politicised!

The state of a country is known by its leaders. And when you have a mad selfish woman like Mamta Banerjee as one of ruling leaders, well you have it. She is not interested in the welfare of the train passengers who suffered in the Maoist tragedy few days back in Bengal. She is more interested to create divisions and blame her political opponents for trying to sabotage her. All our politicians are playing divide and rule. And the future is an easy interpretation. Punjab is more different than Bengal, so is Tamil Nadu and Haryana. So from where the unity is going to come? And the politicians instead of uniting our country are backing the divisive forces for own selfish interests. It is for these reasons that states like Jharkhand gets created in the first place and crooks like Madhu Koda rules. And for the very same reasons Maoists are rapidly growing their base. And people like Aparna Sen, Maheswata Devi, Arundhati Roy supports them. Everybody has their own motives. Nobody is clean. Sare jahan Achha Hindustan Humara. Par Kaise?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Rotten Naveen Jindal

Monday, May 10, 2010
No More Bullshit Hero Worship for me! I admit my mistake!

We Indians are obsessed with two things : Cricket and Bollywood! I mean we invest so much of our time viewing cricket that dickheads in the BCCI are getting rich at our expense! And so with Bollywood! Else how can people like Emran Hasmi become so rich? Only if we all used our time more productively we could have easily beaten the hell out of Japan, the epitome of productivity! Our obsession with our filmy and cricketing heroes makes me remember an incident in Dilip Kumar’s life. This happened in the sixties. Dipil Kumar was a big star. e was travelling in a plane wH He was flying in a plane and JRD Tata was also traveling with him. JRD sat just next to him. Dilip recognized him! But he wanted JRD to strike a conversation. He is afterall a Star! JRD was too busy going through some papers. Dilip got anxious! Finally he could not control himself.
“JRD looked up and gave him a puzzled look. But he smiled and got back to his paper”
Dilip told again “I am Dilip Kumar, the Film star”
JRD told “Sorry I cannot recognize you gentleman. Neither do I watch Films”
I guess this incident throws light on lot of things!
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Failed Bomber!

There is lot of speculations going on in the media regarding the credibility of the guy as the “suspected” bomber in the failed New York car bomb attack. Firstly the attempt is too much amateurish. Secondly the guy who wanted to create mayhem decided to co-operate fully within a span of 24 hours with the security agencies! Thirdly the kind of life he was living – well it’s really tough to convince that kind of progressive modern character about the benefits of declaring Jihad! He was working as a Financial Analyst with a fat salary, came from an extremely well to do family. But I think these points can be ignored. The depth of human mind, the way it behaves – it is difficult to understand. So let’s not come to conclusion. Lastly lots of people are also saying that the guy seen in the CCTV footage has a big bald patch in his head. The suspect Faisal Shahzad who has been caught looks completely different! Well what I think is the CCTV footage released in the public domain is just meant to confuse! FBI guys are not kids that they will tell the whole world that this is the picture of the terrorist. If it was our CBI this kind of childish behavior was understandable. But not from the FBI. The aim of the footage is just try to give a false sense of security to the guy who actually did it. The CCTV footage shows the bald guy just taking off his shirt near the car and having a shoulder glance at the car. That’s it. Now why the hell the guy who knows that there is a bomb in the car come so close to the car and take off his shirt? Probably our Arnab Goswami and Barkha Dutt will hold unlimited discussion regarding this on their famous TV channels and the Indians will watch. They have so much time to waste! But to any sensible guy I don’t think this activity makes much sense! Something is seriously wrong. But one good thing has happened. The world has again been directed to the terrorist breeding ground called Pakistan! God knows how many more pointings will be required to hammer some sense into the head of USA. I guess lot of the US politicians receive huge kickbacks from Pakistan when it receives those all kinds of US financial aids. To me USA is just a hypocrite who is hell bent in fulfilling its narrow self interests.
I can only say one thing for sure. The US education is not good. I mean it’s not competent enough. The way the bomb was set up, the kind of trigger that was used and the way the car was bought…Mr Faisal got his education in the US. He simply couldn’t get the basics right!
And one more thing that continues to puzzle me! Why majority of the muslim community so much in love with Bombs? Is it something in their DNA?
Monday, May 3, 2010
Bloody unknown citizens!

Wish there was a way where all the salaried class of our country could come together and stop paying the taxes. A simple non-cooperation movement. I strongly feel who ever decides to open a political party and start fighting for the middle class of India, chances of that party forming a government would be pretty decent. Anybody listening? Can’t we all team up and do this. But then chances are that like me you also have been brought up by your parents with this view that politics is dirty, one should stay away from it. So like typical middle class we all wait for that messiah who unfortunately will never come. Our fate lies in our hands. But we think otherwise. Inch by Inch we keep giving away our life to the government. Bit by Bit we suffer and when all the bits get added up, it’s time to meet death. We suffer as a class. And we all die as individuals. Without a lament. Without a dirge. For the government it’s just a PAN card that got expired. We are just numbers. Bloody unknown citizens! For whom nobody cares!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
You need somebody to lean on.

But now times are changing. Families are getting smaller and smaller. Moms and Dads are getting busier and busier. School fees are getting fatter and fatter without much improvement in quality. Earlier we had our grandpa and grandma staying with us. Today it’s just mom, dad and the kid. Earlier we had friends with us. Today spending time with friends is such a waste of time. It’s a rat race out there and young fellows are getting trained to beat the competition. And in the process I feel they are losing the very people on whom they can lean. In my school days we had some great teachers. Now this is fifteen years back. The world was different that time. Today quality teachers are a rare commodity. Everything is just business. End of the day relations are getting interlinked with the kind of money you are willing to spend.
Despite all the cruel changes taking place in the world, one thing has remained constant. It is the world of books. I was lucky to have been introduced to the world of literature by my grandfather. And I took mighty solace in the world of books. I travelled in deserts, oceans, space. I visited continents. I fought wars! I died multiple times. I experienced pain and happiness through the pages. And I also got inspired. But today literature and humanities in general as a subject has lost its glory. That’s a pity. Younger generation is not getting introduced much to literature. Majority parents think it to be such a waste of time. But they are wrong! Books are the best persons to lean on. And in today’s competitive world a child will be forced to face failures more than success. And you need something to lean on especially during the times you fail. And books are a wonderful support. Only if our kids realized this!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I hate Shilpa Shetty.

I hate Shilpa Shetty. I hold her responsible for many wasted hours inside the bathroom doing things I shouldn’t be doing during my school days. I hold her responsible for all those wet dreams. For all those hard moments. For all those desires which was of no use. Wish I had listened to our Maths teacher in school. He used to warn us, the boys, that life will give you two choices. Pleasure by hand or pleasure by mind. The more you learn maths, the more your mind will enjoy, which will give you the ultimate satisfaction in your life. Bullshit! Majority of us choose pleasure by hand. I used to buy hot post cards and store them secretly. And as the night descended I used to take out those hot stuff and indulge in nocturnal pleasures. And pictures of Shilpa Shetty with her flat stomach and enticing belly button – it was too hard to control. It just became an un ending flow.
Today when I look back at those days I feel sorry for all those wasted hours! All those wasted energy! Only if I could recover all those lost moments! Inch by Inch, Bit by Bit! I copuld have reclaimed by life back, set things up in order. But that’s life! As you grow old things get taken away from you and you only realize when you have lost it. Wish I had listened to my Maths teacher and indulged in the intellectual pleasures. But then who is responsible for this? I hold Shilpa Shetty responsible. God knows how many young souls she has corrupted. I am not her only victim. Probably you are also. Just think of your youner days! Maybe some other actress. Or some actor?
Thanks to Lalit Modi I am enjoying Rajasthan Royal’s corrupted deal in the IPL and the consequent income tax raids. And the predicament of Shilpa Shetty and his husband Raj Kundra! Till yesterday the whole world knew Shilpa Shetty to be one of the owners of Rajasthan Royals. But today with increased pressure she has twitted that she is just a brand ambassador of Rajasthan Royals. She has no shares. Her husband has. But unfortunately her husband’s name is not in the share holder list. What the hell Shilpa? I am keeping a close eye on you from my very young days! And the way you have exposed to move up the value chain, well this kind of lie was only expected. Instead of trying to bait rich fellows with your body, try to do something meaningful in your life.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Peeping inside! Thank you dear Frog.

I am no fan of frog. They look disgusting. I still remember those school days when we were asked to get frogs for our biology class. It was such a bullshit affair!! Every time I tried to catch a frog it pissed on my hands! And their urine is bloody poisonous. It makes your hand itch. For my class XI biology practical I caught a big frog. The rainy season made my task easier. It was healthy, greenish brown in colour, shining black eyes and a throat…Adnan Sami like! The old Adnan! From the time he has lost weight…well he looks kindda “na idhar ka na udhar ka”. I put this frog inside a plastic pouch, sealed it, made two holes for it to breath. Next day I took it to class. And then the idea struck! Honestly I was trying to “line maro” a girl in my class. But despite my best attempts she was least interested. I kindda looked so stupid in front of her. She was beautiful, with some mind blowing assets. Whenever I went to the bathroom her image accompanied me and during my entire masturbating session, she took the charge! Roleplay, dreamplay, foreplay, handplay, toungeplay…Sensational! And I desperately wanted to impress her! I got a long string and tied that to the frog’s right leg, or limb to be correct. And then I took it out. I bent down toward it and told it
“Listen dude! You simply gotta follow me! Behave yourself! Just follow me! Else your life is finished at the lab table! If you listen you go free and also get some dead mosquitoes in return. Deal?”
He croaked mutedly.
I guessed it understood the threat! I walked in the corridor and the frog followed. Soon a small crowd gathered. This crazy guy has a frog as its pet. Even I could not believe my eyes! This frog was jumping behind me as if it’s my dog. It was so obedient. And soon she was there face to face! The frog behind me! I stopped. Looking at her made me forget everything. The iron ores flying in the wind which some times made our eyes burn, now it seemed so beautiful..fragrant! That dhoti kurta clad Dolai Sir whom I wouldn’t mind murdering under normal circumstances…now he seemed a harmless lovable creature. Such is her magic! She makes the devil look like an angel! She is everything to me! Oh love lets us be close to one another, whats the point in been separated when we are born to be soulmates forever. . I walked towards her with a big smile. And then the frog showed its true colour. The devil. It jumped. The jump of his life. She was wearing a blue frock. And it jumped strategically inside the skirt!! Believe me. I was stupefied. And the ruckus she created! She jumped and lifted her skirt up shouting. And the entire crowd saw her purple panty! And Dolai sir, the devil incarnate took me to the headmaster room. And I was thrashed like anything.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Rent a Monkey!!

But recently my opinion have changed about these spam mails. I no longer find them offensive. Yes deleting them is time consuming but at least I no longer look upon them with venom in my eyes. The reason is an interesting mail http://www.wannamo.com/. Now i have no idea how my email id got registered at this site. Probably I gave away the id through some survey or some third party registration. My work requires me to download lot of reports from this and that website and most of the time I have to give my office email id for verification as I cannot access other mails at office. Anyway the mail was one of a kind. Highly interesting! It told me that I can rent a monkey for day for just Rs 90 instead of the regular price of Rs 1000! Rent a monkey! Why the hell would I want to rent a monkey boss? Would you want to rent a monkey? Let me paste the content of the mail.
“India has always been a place where monkeys were always revered as the brethren of Lord Hanuman, although there have been times when these revered animals have created much havoc and chaos. But what do you know - today you have your own monkey to do some monkey business. So no more you keep staring at the peddler who strolls his own monkey in the streets and you just gaze with amazement with his awesome power to keep the animal under check. Now you have your own monkey with whom you can do limitless things. Right now, we don't have to even give you any clue since we are sure you might be having your own idea about what to do with the monkey for the whole day. Just for Rs 90”
This is the height of entrepreneurship! This is the way we will take on the Chinese. If China can manufacture anything under the sun at dirt cheap prices then we have monkeys to give away on hire at dirt cheap prices. For every Chinese import we will export a monkey! Tit for Tat! For every job taken away from the Indian soil we will send a monkey! For every political battle won we will celebrate with a monkey! And we will not rest till all the monkeys have been exported. And what ever remains I am sure the Gandhi family will rent them up! Pranab babu cheer up! No need to finger the middle class with further taxes! All you need to do is keep collecting the monkeys!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
LIC as the next UTI?

Friday, March 12, 2010

“Can I see the details? Some brochure?” I asked.
“Sir you will also get bonus in this plan. And there are no charges. In mutual fund there are fund management charges which will pull down your IRR. IRR you understand sir? Internal rate of Return. (he was giving fundas now to impress me). This will go down. I can show you an investor’s bonus statement”
He showed me a paper from April 2009. And this was March 2010. Anyway I had a close look. It mentioned a death benefit of Rs 8 lakh. I was furious.
“What is this death benefit?”
“Sir this policy pays you money on death”
“And what about the mortality charges then? I am sure you cannot offer insurance without this charge.”
He was silent. Another guy from the bank who was observing our conversation told “Rs 150 per year sir. Including everything”
I tried to cool myself. These guys were trying to sell me some ULIP. I imagined my travel writer friend. What would have he done with this kind of a high octane marketing onslaught? These devils could have easily fox him…he is so gullible when investment and money is concerned. But he is a writer…they are never good with money!
Anyway I told the guy politely to put the money in Mutual Fund. And he did it. But he was unhappy. Huge commission, which he could have earned by simply making me sign over the dotted lines…he just missed it. Most of the times people like him are successful because we are not aware about money. In search of assured returns we make mistakes. We Indians are fixated with the world “Guarantee”! And LIC exploits us using this fixation. And we take words at face value. Unless we stand up and question…it’s going to be a one sided game where we will always be the losers. And this is where a site like http://www.jagoinvestor.com/ comes in. I love the way Manish has put his heart in to this. So let us all unite. Let’s make a promise to our self: we will never ever take any financial product without understanding in detail what it is all about. Remember that the best financial products for simple investors like us are the ones that are least complex. So next time when someone pushes you to take a ULIP: compare it against a pure term policy coupled with a good mutual fund. Then calculate the returns. If you have questions seek out the answers. It’s all available free at http://www.jagoinvestor.com/
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Nursery admission tougher than Harvard!

So you can imagine the situation. Things are much worse in Mumbai. All parents in the Metros have to go through this ordeal. The competition is tough everywhere. Be it the posh school or the neighborhood government sponsored school…there is an extreme supply demand mismatch. Too many kids are chasing too few seats.
I think only one thing can ease the situation a bit. It is the rapid development of tier II cities. My home town Haldia has quite a few good inexpensive schools. Yes, they might not be so good and stylish like the ones in Delhi but they give the education that is required. And whatever the shortfall…it can be managed by other means. Like I was never introduced to Horse Riding, Fine Dining, or Squash skills in my school. The Delhi kids in posh schools have these skills. But every morning I used to go for a walk to the river side with my Grandpa. Morning walk was our routine. And breathing the fresh air, listening to the birds, watching the sparkling water…these are also valuable. But then today’s double income corporate couples have no time for their kids…and besides where is a river in Delhi? And birds? So the kids have to manage with the expensive things like Horse riding and fine dining skills. Probably the school knows that these kids once big will leave for bigger cities…so they should be prepared. And that city will also have no river.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Hats off to Modi!

Majority of Indians is happy to see those buggers out. Apart from SRK, Aamir and our Italian Queen. And see what one of the Pakistani bugger called Sahid Afridi has done. He tried to chew away the ball to get more reverse swing. Such a cheat. Such an idiot. How could he think that despite all the TV cameras he can get away with that? Allah is not at all kind to him. But Allah has saved the Indians from the ignominy of watching these bastards playing on the Indian soil taking home loads of Indian money. Allah ho Akbar.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Poverty Porn - Indian babus are angry!!

The West knows India as the land of Taj Mahal, spicy curries, snake charmers, Yoga, and its iconic poverty. Despite India’s furious GDP growth the impression hasn’t changed much. In the US, impressions about have changed a lot about India but in UK the situations remains dismal. Whose fault is it? I will accuse the Indian Authorities for this. Incompetent bunch of bureaucrats are manning the travel and tourism ministry. And the minister is least interested in the job. It is their responsibility to project India, market India, and sell it to the global tourists. You just cannot shout and hit people coming to this country and shooting the dirt and squalor. Why do you have it in the first place even after 60 years of glorious freedom? The way the divide between rich and the poor is growing in India, I guess only more and more people will be coming down from UK to check out the declining poverty levels. And you cannot ban them. You simply do not have the firepower to take them on.
Why there are so many TV Channels floating in the air?

Few years back when our government introduced the Set top box concept in the metros, we the customers were delighted. Finally we can get rid of the unwanted channels and get just what we want. But this thing has remained a pipe dream. We always get channels in package. It’s like level 1 has 100, level 2 has 150 and so on. Level 1 might not have the channels which you want to see. So you are forced to take the level 2 or level 3 one. And you end up paying for all those extra channels which you never watch. Lovely country Indeed- Our India.
As far as I am concerned I am only interested in the news channels. I have divided the channels in two categories. News Channels (Times Now, NDTV, CNBC TV18, BBC) and Entertainment News Channels (India TV and Headlines today). There are other news channels but these channels give me everything. I get my daily dose of news, drama, sex, adventure, murder, mystery….virtually everything from them. Let me elaborate. Today I was watching a debate on Times Now regarding the recent IPCC goof up related to the Glacier melting date of 2035..RK Pachauri was having a tough time explaining his position. After some time I got fed up. Enough of climate…first let those idiots decide if the planet is getting heated up or it’s getting colder. I moved to NDTV where people were blasting that monster looking guy Sharad Pawar. After sometime I got so bored of this news and decided to entertain myself. Moved on to India TV. Some Honour killing news was going on…how the girl’s clothes were torn…how she got kicked…every detail was there for viewer satisfaction. Not my taste. Moved to Headlines Today. There was news going on regarding the growing number of foreign prostitutes from CIC countries…especially from Uzbekistan and Russia. All details were given…and they were showing sexy images of various prostitutes captured by spy cameras…obviously the faces were blurred. The picture of their legs, booties were shown as if the channel was telecasting some live show related to “Kohinoor” diamond.
These two channels also telecast various shows from all the reality shows and popular shows. I sometimes seriously wonder why these two channels have been clubbed under news channel category. They should be under entertainment channels.
And regarding all those extra channels which I pay for but do not get time or energy to watch…wish there was a system where DTH rewarded those subscribers who watched the least number of channels despite paying for the maximum amount of channels. I would have surely own some prize.
Hope my plight will be addressed by our honorable government soon and I will finally pay for only those channels which I watch.
Ok I will stop this now. Actually i was on a mission and i think i am successful because after reading this my travel writer friend told that I have written "the perfect shit-storm of crapness". But then writing crap is also an art. Haha. Thanks for reading this crap.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Netaji - Our forgotten Hero!

Why are we slowly forgetting Netaji? Leave aside the commies. They have lost their father so error is expected. But what about our central government? Why can’t they be a little more generous in celebrating this day? For the Girl child week Government of India’s child welfare department came up with huge advertisements in Times of India. And they mistakenly put Pakistan’s former army chief’s photo over there. But why can’t even half a page devoted to this national hero from the Central Government Side? Is it just because he was no longer in the good books of Gandhiji? Or he is no longer a source of vote bank? This is what happens when you have an Italian with her army of sychophants manning our country…well no offense but it hurts. Netaji started the fight. No not the Gandhi type fight where if your enemy slaps you allow him to slap you again and again till your enemy is tired! Unfortunately Netaji didn’t buy this crap and gave the first battle cry. Yes he couldn’t succeed but he showed the way long back. You hit me and I will hit the hell out of you. He didn’t want our country to be a soft nation…just look at Kasab and you will understand how soft our country is! Everytime the Pakis slap us, bomb us, pinch us, kick us…we do what Gandhibaba told us to do.
a) Whether Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose is dead or alive;
(b) If he is dead, whether he died in the plane crash, as alleged;
(c) Whether the ashes in the Japanese temple are ashes of Netaji;
(d) Whether he has died in any other manner at any other place and, if so, when and how;
(e) If he is alive, in respect of his whereabouts.
India is getting hijacked by the rich and the mighty. Big corporate houses bring out memorials in newspapers during Gandhi birthday. Netaji’s birthday do not get much priority…few Bengal based companies probably give advertisements in the regional dailies. That’s it. “Give me blood I will give you freedom”. Netaji told. The corporates and our politicians say “Give us profits. Gives us votes. We will remember you.” Netaji has none to offer. Gandhi has.
I know what I have written holds no value. It’s just an emotional ignorant coward Indian doing faltu bakwas. But then imagine if the entire emotional ignorant coward Indians starts doing bakwas simultaneously? I guess that will sound the bugle of change.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Mee Marathi mulgi nahi ho!

Home is where the heart lies. Jai Ho!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I am afraid. I don’t want to die inside the bathroom.

But the most worrisome thing is the comment from my wife. I told her that I had got a sprain while I was relieving myself. She got extremely serious and told this is the initial stage of a heart attack. What? I shouted. She told that people generally have heart attacks inside the bathroom. And having a sprain in the neck is an ominous thing for grimmer things to come. I should take my health more seriously and do routine workout to reduce the extra layers of fat. Otherwise next time I might get a heart attack during relieving inside the wash room. I vigorously contested her stupid point of view by saying that nobody in their late twenties get heart attack. She told times are changing. If SAP CEO can die in his late forties despite been so fitness freak…well I simply stand no chance. I got to be careful.
Yes! It’s pure voodoo. Somebody is trying to screw me up. I am afraid. I don’t want to die inside the bathroom.
Jyoti Babu is no more. An era comes to an End.

Basu and his party categorically killed Education in Bengal by banning English from primary schools. Thanks to my parents- I was lucky to be studying in a convent…but everybody didn’t have the same opportunity! Why did he do it? Basu came from an Aristrocatic family, was educated in London, sent his son to London for Education…he very well knew the value of English but why did he want the Bengali sons and daughters to stay away from English? History will demand an answer from him. I have read quite a few newspaper editorials especially by Mr Ram of Hindu and Mr Ashok Dasgupta of the Bengali newspaper ‘Aajkaal’. I have one thing to say – Basu is generally praised for his Land reforms, i.e. sharecroppers got the right to land. Well Mr Ram and Mr Dasgupta..if you go back to history you will find that it was not Basu who did this…the seed was sowed well before his tenure..But he was given all the credit. Ok, even if we for argument’s sake accept that he did that…after that what? All those poor people who got land were converted into CPM cadres (most of them became rich by dubious means) and we know how the cadre strength worked for three decades for the benefit of the communists. And it in turn unfortunately created one more divide. The haves and the have-nots. CPM had everything while people not following their party line didn’t have anything. Trinamool was born driven by this factor only…and thanks to the communists now we have two monsters pitched in a deadly battle in Bengal. Mamta gang vs Buddha gang!
Mr Dasgupta you have lived your prime…Mr Ram same for you. But right now what you say doesn’t matter…it’s the young generation who will decide not you guys.
Mr Basu at the best can be called as the victim of his own system..the politburo machinery. But he was one of the founding members…and in lot of circumstances he took the moderate path but had to tow the party line because he was a complete party guy! He was a moderate but without the willpower to apply his moderate thoughts. Buddha inherited a bad legacy.
Right now the future of Bengal looks extremely bleak. The lady who is waiting for the CM chair has very little to offer except her big talks and ‘Ma Mati and Manush’ funda. She has taken all those things which the communists under Buddha tried to abandon – The Bandh Culture and street politics. And the communists seem to be hell bent in tackling her in their old ways…an eye for an eye! And look who is gaining – the Maoists! God bless the Bengalis. We have breathed the air of Bengal. It still remains a Golden state only if people had the eyes to see it and appreciate it.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Anil its pathetic. Do something!

You must be wondering why this outburst. Am I running out of topic to write? Today (unfortunately) I paid a visit to Big Cinemas for Avtar 3D morning show. And this is an Anil Ambani run company. First there was no one at the counter to give our tickets. Ninety percent bookings were Internet booking. And they knew it. But there was no one to take our booking ID and give us the tickets. The guys came some 15-20 mins before the show and by then it was a really big queue at the counter. After lot of fights and shouting we got our tickets. They had started the show despite the ticket delay from their side (Reliance is big company..they can do what they want). Now the specs given to us were not working. It was a 3D show but without 3D glasses it was a just hazy shadowy film going on. Most of the glasses were not working. Majority people inside the hall had never seen a 3D show and they were seeing the show without realizing that they were been cheated. Thanks to people like us who could catch the drama going on. We had to really shout and at the same time badmouth to stop the film…and forced them to get us new glasses. And the attitude of the Big Cinema guys! Anil Ambani you should see that personally. I am not sure if you will feel proud or not but you should thank your stars that those guys are alive…the crowd inside the hall were very decent. Those guys deserved to be caught by the collar and given a good thrashing. But then when a company bans a book just because they told some bitter truth about their founding father…you cannot expect much…isn’t it Anil sir? Donot trouble yourself. You just keep running.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
My Friend's Post Marriage Crisis - Its a situation down there!

“Before wedding
you are my heart, you are my love’
After wedding
‘you get on my nerves'.”
Friday, January 15, 2010
Teenso ka Liya. Pure Leather!

I know you are dead bored by this philosophical bullshit. So let me say what I want to say. A little thing happened at office today. Nothing eventful but it touched me. I was having a glass of water at the pantry area when the Xerox guy came for a cup of tea. The pantry area had quite a few office boys and peons. They shouted almost at the same time “Wo dekho. Charan ne nayi jacket pehena hain”. Ok! The Xerox guy’s name was Charan. And he was wearing a navy blue wind cheater kind of a jacket. Charan gave them a big smile and pointed at his shoes. The peons looked downwards and again exclaimed collectively! “Jute bhi naye!!..kya baat hain Charan”. Charan looked at them smugly and told “Teenso ka liya. Pure leather”. Has he gone crazy? Got a pure leather shoes for Rs 300!! I looked at mine. Four times costlier and I am not sure about the purity of the leather!
So you must be wondering what is the point in this Charan episode. Well I have two observations to make. First one related to my ramblings regarding the concept of universality of emotions. I have a friend exactly like Charan. Whenever he wears anything new he keeps smiling the whole day and asks everybody to give him new pinch. Once I pinched him so hard that these days before saying ‘new picnh’ he adds ‘aram se pinch kariyo’. The happiness at wearing something new is same as that of Charan. And my friend’s salary will be like 15 times more than what Charan earns. The way Charan is happy at his Rs 300 ‘pure leather’ shoes is the same way my friend becomes happy when he wears his Puma or Lacoste. Same type of happiness despite one earning 15 times more than the other guy!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
How does it feel to save a life?

I got this experience last weekend in a freezing Saturday Night. My friend from Faridabad came down with his newly married wife to our place for dinner. He had got a bottle of Teachers Highland Cream as a gift for me. These days Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and intoxication is extremely happy with me. For the last few weeks I am been treated with expensive booze for one or the other reason. Thanks Almighty. Keep it going. We were having a good time inside our cosy drawing room. Outside it must be like 5-6 degree…icy cold. Suddenly there was a muted barking outside. Initially it looked like the barking came from inside our flat. But we don’t have any Dog. My friend’s wife quickly opened the door. A little puppy was standing outside…shivering. It has come all the way to the second floor climbing the stairs. It wanted to come inside. My better half threatened to kick me out if the puppy came inside. So had no option but to keep it outside the door. She got a roti, tore it into small pieces and gave it to him. But it was not interested in the food. It kept on shivering. His eyes were wet. The cold was killing him. We got to make him feel warm..only then he might survive the night. I got a small towel from the kitchen and tied it around his shoulders. We could sense that he felt a tad better but not enough to stop his shivering. My wife gave me a big towel..the one which was generally used for dusting our furniture. It was preety thick and soft. I was overwhelmed by this gesture! Women’s heart afterall! I wrapped the towel around him and picked it up and came downstairs to our garage. My friends also accompanied me. My wife located the best place near the garage…a three side covered area. I placed the puppy there with the towel properly wrapped. The roti pieces were given to him. My friend asked should we give him little Teachers? We decided not to get so much excited. After few minutes the puppy felt better. He looked at us with satisfied eyes and started eating the roti. Victory! He is no longer going to die tonight from this freezing cold. Death has got defeated tonight!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Started 2010 with a Bang!
I know you must be curious how was my new year weekend. It was rocking from the moment go! Exaactly at 12 I had little scotch and burst some firecrackers at my balcony. My wife and CJ scolded me for polluting the environment. And in a minute the entire society started bursting crackers. New year time! The right to celebrate! Both of them went quite. I smugly enjoyed my drink at the balcony. It was chilly. Shivering. But who cares! Its new year! I should have been careful. Right now I am having a very high fever. Few moments of fun in the cold....leave it. Its new year. Sab chalta hain!
The visit to Ramjhula and Ananda Spa were mind blowing. Didn’t get much time to roam about but the tour was crisp and full of treasured moments. I should have come to this place in my younger days. So many gori mems in search of nirvana – well demand for Yogis and Babas are huge over here. All you need is a little bit of oratory skills and the art of persuasion. And the pleasure if all yours! Am I taking like a devil? Yes I am. Its new year buddy!